To what extent will learning and teaching change in a mobile university? Thoughts from the University of Bath Eduserv Symposium 13 th May 2010 Andy Ramsden Head of e-Learning University of Bath eatbath-present andyramsden
Our backdrop: The scenario (2005) Start of the day Travelling in On campus Group meeting with tutors Fieldwork Travelling home Part time work (during break) Later on
The aims & outcomes 1.To what extent will the Learning and Teaching change in a more mobile university? What will the landscape look like? 2.What role will the central services, staff and students play as agents of change? Are these agents likely to shift the landscape? 2015
Teaching and Learning in a mobile university More of the same but on your phoneNew learning landscapes The benefit of mobile learning is derived from the mobility of the learner, which creates more learning opportunities for the individual (Sharples, Taylor and Vavoula (2007))
A framework for our discussion present new Learning and Teaching Mission (markets) Existing students Existing technologies Existing students New technologies New students New technologies New students Existing technologies Core technologies, established services which feel owned by the University (BUCS, e-learning, web services, Registry). Support and development programmes. If externally hosted then supported, with exit strategy (migration plans) Non core technologies, These tend to be pilot projects by a range of Departments, Faculties and central teams Adapted Salmon (2005), ALT J (13-3)
New learning opportunities LecturerDeptTechnologyurl Bernd SingMathematicsARS (Clickers) 28/session-report-complex- analysis/ Paul CaulfieldSchool of ManagementARS (Clickers) 06/session-report-advanced- management-practices-business- and-society/ Gemma CranstonAerospace Engineering ARS (Clickers) 01/de-construction-of-aircraft- performance-and-design-question/ Sabah AbdullahEconomicsTwitter “using the clickers, every student has to question and think about her/his method to arrive at the solution (and cannot just passively lean back in the problem’s class and see what happens)” – Bernd Sing, Mathematics, University of Bath.
Mobile by 2015: central service voice: core Rate of change in functionality HighLow User focusStudents & StaffStaff Resource requirements to provide a mobile option HighLow Effective strategy to promote a mobile university Community based development – user choice Vendor or in house (3 rd party)
Mobile by 2015: central service voice: non-core Rate of change in functionalityHigh User focusStudents and staff Resource requirements to provide a mobile optionHigh Effective strategy to promote a mobile universityLeave to settle New lecture space in 4 West (small, flexible, low threshold technologies and teaching spaces)
Mobile by 2015? Staff voice Staff development programme Enhancing feedback in the classroom through ARS Facilitating group work with forums and wikis What can e-learning do for me? Introduction to Podcasting Using Moodle for e-assessment An introduction to e-Portfolios Using Moodle for Administrators Introduction to Moodle Further developing your Moodle skills Teaching Development Fund: Priorities 2010/11 Alignment from Curriculum to Higher Education Preparation for Employment (including work placements) Educational effectiveness Ease of useEngagement Environment (#1) 3-E Vector Sum An individual’s likelihood of making use of a technological innovation for learning related purpose is a function of four groups of factors
Mobile by 2015: student voice: can they n = % female, 49% male 75.6% 18-22, 16.3% Camera phone?93.3% (yes) Wi-fi enabled phone?51.6% (yes) Data package in your plan?38.6% (yes)28.2% (unsure)
Mobile by 2015: student voice: will they To ensure all departments provide feedback on exams which is constructive and instructive for students To raise awareness amongst students about the forthcoming changes to the fee system and campaign against the further increase of fees. To raise awareness amongst students about the actions the SU takes in response to student opinion (You Said, We Did!) To make Academic Exec a more active body within the SU. To work with the University and the students to ensure the smooth induction and transition into higher education for Freshers, through the implementation and evaluation of a peer mentoring scheme. George Charonis – Vice President Education, Uni of Bath, SU n = % female, 49% male 75.6% 18-22, 16.3% How likely are you to pay for your learning materials on your phone?
Where does this leave us for 2015? Does it have to be this outcome? No >
Thank you Andy Ramsden eatbath-present andyramsden URL