Win Win Le Fishery Officer Department of Fisheries Myanmar 23 rd March 2016 Kochi, India
Outline 1. National Regulation ( Technical Regulation ) 2. Critical points of challenges in the supply chain 3. Regulations/ Legislation are implemented 4. SWOT analysis of traceability system 5. Recommendations on seafood traceability system
1. National Regulation (Technical Regulation) Technical Regulation for Export and Import of fish and fishery products based on SPS requirement Chapter (1) Control on Primary Production Chapter (2) Processing and Allied Activities Chapter (3) Official Control Activities Chapter (4) Import of Fish and Fishery Products Annex 1: Traceability Record (Aquaculture)
Traceability Record ( Aquaculture ) General information (Name, Location, Approved No, Pond area, Production capacity of pond) Post larvae/ fry/ fingerlings stocked in the pond Feed used in the pond Pesticide used in the pond Harvest from the pond Not Sea foods Traceability included yet.
Sea foods Traceability in Myanmar Sea food traceability is not implemented perfectly yet.
2. Critical points of challenges in the supply chain Inadequate traceability records in seafood products (from harvesting to landing) Inadequate temperature (from harvesting to raw receiving of processing plants) No record of temperature at storage condition in fishing vessels Improper hygienic condition of ice
3. Regulations/ Legislation are implemented Technical regulations are not implemented yet Effective on 1 st August 2016 According to Directive No. 2/2015 EU regulations are adopted in Myanmar According to Directive No. 3/2009 EU Regulations : 852/2004 EU Regulations : 853/2004 EU Regulations : 854/2004 EU Regulations : 178/2002 EU Regulations : 882/2004
4. SWOT analysis of traceability system Strengths - Safe for consumers - Trace and track of products
Weaknesses - Lack of regulations for sea foods traceability system in our Technical Regulation - Lack of proper implementation for sea foods traceability system according to EU Reg. 178/ Lack of enforcement for traceability system of aquaculture
Opportunities - Trace for one step back of products - Track for one step forward of products
Threats - Lack of skilful persons - Lack of awareness for workers of fishing vessels - Lack of education
5. Recommendations on seafood traceability system To set regulations for seafood traceability system To implement sea foods traceability system To enforce sea foods traceability system To implement traceability system in SME (Small and Medium size of fish and fisheries products especially dried fish)
Public Awareness, Information gathering, Education and Training
Thank You