United States Germany Title Of Leader: President Current Leader: Barack Obama Elected or Appointed: Elected Length of term: 4 years per term and no more than two terms. Qualifications: Must be a Natural born citizen Must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. Must be over the age of 35 years old Title Of Leader: President Current Leader: Joachim Gauck Elected or Appointed: Elected Length of term: 5 Years per term and no more than two terms. Qualifications: Must be 40 years or older Anyone who can vote can become president. Must be a German Citizen Type of Government/Constitution
United States Germany Congress Bicameral How many members: 535 /// Bicameral 622 seats Lawmaking bodies
United States Germany Freedom of Speech: Yes Freedom of Religion: Yes Right to bear arms: yes Freedom of Speech: Yes, but there are certain things you cannot say and do, like The U.S. Freedom of Religion: yes Right to bear arms: yes Compare bill of rights
German Political Parties Multi-party system (Brundestag) Two major parties : Social Democratic party: Conservative, Christian Democratic Union: Major party, catch-all party.
Elections and Voting Voting age: 18 How often elections are held: every 4 years What type of election in Germany: Primary
Taxes and Government Finance Do they charge an income tax: yes, there income tax system is the same as America. What other ways Germany makes money: They have a lot of oil and coal, and there sales tax in.19%.
United States Germany Military: 4.8% of gdp Education: 5.7% of gdp Healthcare: 17.6% of gdp Military: 1.4% of gdp Education: 4.6% of gdp Healthcare: 10.4% of gdp, and they have universal healthcare. Spending
United States Germany Crime rates: 11.8 million Prison population: 738/100,000 Death Penalty: Does in certain circumstances Crime rate: 6,507,394 Prison population: 95/100,000 Death penalty: no Law
Relationship with Germany Yes the United States in on very good terms with the united states because, the U.S. has many military bases in Germany and they have over 40,000 US natural born citizens in Germany.