BA 2204 and BAS 324 Human Resource Management Employee rights and discipline Instructor: Ça ğ rı Topal 1
Employee rights Ability to engage in conducts protected by laws or social norms Statutory rights Rights protected by specific laws Contractual rights Rights based on legally binding promises Other rights Rights not necessarily legally protected 2
Management rights Rights to run the business and to retain any profits generated Employment at will Limited by Laws and contracts Public policy exceptions Implied contracts Lack of good faith and fair dealing 3
Challanges Random drug testing Electronic monitoring Whistle-blowing Moonlighting Office romance 4
Discipline Progressive discipline Verbal warning Written warning Suspension Discharge Positive discipline Verbal solution or agreement Written solution or agreement Self-evaluation and new solution Discharge 5
Administering and managing discipline Disciplinary standards Communication Documentation Non-discrimination Appeal procedures 6
Difficult employees Poor attendance Poor performance Insubordination Workplace bullying Alcoholism Drug use 7