Meeting of the ESFRI Social Sciences and Humanities Projects, City University London, 27/01/2009 Report to the Legal Workshop, Brussels, 6 th February 2009 Lorna Ryan ESS
5 SSH PREPARATORY PHASE PROJECTS (ESFRI 2006 & 2008) CESSDA Facility to provide and facilitate access of researchers to high quality data for social sciences CLARIN RI to make language resources and technology available DARIAH Digital infrastructure to study source materials in cultural heritage institutions ESS RI to monitor and capture long-term changes in social values SHARE Data infrastructure for empirical economic and social science analysis of ongoing changes due to population ageing Meeting 27/01, London: Representatives from all 5 PPPs, Bjørn Henrichsen, Chair of ESFRI Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group Dag Kiberg, Secretariat to ESFRI SSH Working Group
Meeting Aims To review issues affecting the PPPs and develop joint strategies to address common issues Sharing information about issues in individual SSH PPPs (i.e. agree to hold regular meetings; to setting up a dedicated web platform to exchange information on organisational, financial, legal and ethical issues Engaging with other PPPs beyond the SSH arena (i.e ensuring representation at meetings of the wider RI groups; perhaps organise joint events on matters of common concern)
Key issues (1) Agenda covered: review of state of affairs; organisational, financial, technical, legal and ethical issues State of Affairs – Project Updates and Roadmaps update from ESFRI Lack of communication to ESFRI PPPs about what is happening across Member States. Request to the EC, as the Secretariat to ESFRI, to address this information gap.
Key issues (2) Legal issues Draft Regulation – conflicting information received. Request that the EC, via Sinapse, provides regular updates. Possibly via a newsletter Distinguish between physical and distributed RIs - SSH projects mainly distributed, little physical infrastructural development required (issues of transnational access are not complex for the SSH projects) IPR and other issues – e.g. need for legislation relating to licensing – CLARIN will host open IPR workshop in Sept 09
Key issues (3) Financial issues Lobbying national delegates is required Noted CESSDA hosted special funders meeting Noted – Projects’ differential need for funding to ensure sustainability before e.g. SHARE and ESS need to have on-going data collection Recommended EC provide a listing of forthcoming funding instruments for projects
Key issues (4) RIs and User engagement Occurring throughout projects Recommendation that the EC organises a conference focused on the benefits of RIs to the different user communities in the ERA (academic, public, policy, industry, other). Recommendation that dissemination built into any future EC funding instrument
Future actions Acknowledgement that situation is changing – However….projects agreed That there is a clear need for ongoing cooperation and coordination across SSH projects and beyond. Group members to continue to meet (real time/virtual) SHARE to host SSH PPP web-space Group members to work together to develop position papers