Temperature Conversions
Temperature Particles are always moving. When you heat water, the water molecules move faster. When molecules move faster, the substance gets hotter. When a substance gets hotter, its temperature goes up.
Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold an object is compared to another object. indicates that heat flows from the object with a higher temperature to the object with a lower temperature. is measured using a thermometer that contains a liquid that expands with heat and contracts with cooling..
Temperature Scales Are have reference points for the boiling and freezing points of water.
A. What is the temperature of freezing water? 1) 0°F 2) 0°C 3) 0 K B. What is the temperature of boiling water? 1) 100°F 2) 32°F 3) 373 K C. How many Celsius units are between the boiling and freezing points of water? 1) 1002) 1803) 273 Learning Check
On the, there are 180°F between the freezing and boiling points and on the, there are 100°C. 180°F = 9°F =1.8°F 100°C 5°C 1°C In the formula for the, adding 32 adjusts the zero point of water from 0°C to 32°F. T F = 9/5 T C + 32 or T F = 1.8 T C + 32 Fahrenheit Formula
T C is obtained by rearranging the equation for T F. T F = 1.8T C + 32 Subtract 32 from both sides. T F - 32 = 1.8T C ( ) T F - 32 = 1.8T C Divide by 1.8 =°F - 32 = 1.8 T C T F - 32 = T C 1.8 Celsius Formula
Solving A Temperature Problem A person with hypothermia has a body temperature of 34.8°C. What is that temperature in °F? T F = 1.8 T C + 32 T F = 1.8 (34.8°C) + 32° exact tenth's exact = ° = 94.6°F tenth’s
The normal temperature of a chickadee is 105.8°F. What is that temperature on the Celsius scale? 1) 73.8°C 2) 58.8°C 3) 41.0°C Learning Check
A pepperoni pizza is baked at 455°F. What temperature is needed on the Celsius scale? 1) 423°C 2) 235°C 3) 221°C Learning Check
On a cold winter day, the temperature is –15°C. What is that temperature in °F? 1) 19°F 2) 59°F 3) 5°F Learning Check
The has 100 units between the freezing and boiling points of water. 100 K = or 1 K = is obtained by adding 273 to the Celsius temperature. T K = contains the lowest possible temperature, absolute zero (0 K). 0 K = Kelvin Temperature Scale
What is normal body temperature of 37°C in Kelvins? 1) 236 K 2) 310. K 3)342 K Learning Check