Co-funded by the European Union Ref. number: LLP FI-ERASMUS-ENW Introduction to OI-Net OI-Net kick-off meeting LUT, Lappeenranta, Jan 16,
Agenda o Kick-off organizational issues o Introduction to OI-Net o Aims and objectives o WP structure o Expected results o Partners’ introduction 2
Kick-off organizational issues (1/2) o Guest internet access: please check badges for access codes; in case of more internet devises – please request from me/Ekaterina/or info helpdesk by main entrance o Kick-off meeting programme: in handouts and at o Partner’s introduction: max 1,5 min per partner o Before lunch (12.00) please gather in front of the LUT main entrance for group picture (5 min max) o Lunch: right after the picture in the main canteen. Remember about the “Sodexo lunch tickets”(Note: valid for Vegetarian/Global/Scandi menu only and includes coffee) o Topics for round table discussions: Certification and Accreditation of Professional Innovation Management Education & Training, Steffen Conn, ISPIM, UK Gamification of Open Innovation, Anna Trifilova, University of Exeter, UK Translating Open Innovation, Thomas Østerlie, NTNU Social Research AS, Norway Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation. What’s the connection? João José Pinto Ferreira, Faculty of Engineering of U.Porto, Portugal o Evening networking event with sauna – two buildings on LUT campus by the lake Saimaa (see map of LUT Campus) 3
Kick-off organizational issues (2/2) o Different colors of the badges – what do they mean? o Day 2. Starts at with Open-UNIC presentation of the results + discussion Lunch – same procedure as during the Day 1 Workshops in work package groups – done in parallel Final remarks and discussion Evening networking event in Kasino Restaurant in the city center o If you need assistance regarding LUT campus and other organizational matters – look for people with black badges – Justyna, Marko, Daria, Ekaterina, Roman 4
Facts & Figures o Total amount of partners: 52 from 35 countries Universities: 41 with at least one university partner per European country (exception: Luxemburg) Other non-university partners: 11 o Total Budget: EUR (EU grant: EUR), mainly covers meetings o Project Duration: October September 2016 o P20, Greece – change in partnership from University of Piraeus to Athens University of Economics and Business-Research Center 6
What is OI-Net? 7 OI-Net is an EU co-financed project designed to promote cooperation on open innovation (OI) topics in European Higher Education curricula and institutes for the benefit of EU competitiveness.
Aims and objectives 8 The aim is to facilitate European cooperation by outlining and exchanging up-to-date concepts, and good practices in open innovation and open innovation education. It will identify the needs, challenges, and obstacles of public and private sectors in the exploitation of open innovation Fill the gap in terms of structured OI in HE Demonstrate the implementation/integration of the European OI curricula Develop a European Community of Practice on OI in HE + observatory/think-tank Implement support actions to OI in HE Build sustainability, shape the future of HE Implement dissemination and supporting facilities from the very start and promote open approaches
OI-Net Structure 9 WP2 Industrial Needs WP3 Methodologies and Practices WP4 Curricula and Education WP5 Common Curricula Framework WP1: Project management WP7: Dissemination WP8: Sustainability and Exploitation of Results WP6: Quality Assurance
OI-Net Timetable 10 Month work packagen° WP 1 Project Management 1 WP 2 Identification of Industrial Needs for OI Education in Europe 2 WP 3 Exchanging methodologies and best practices on OI 3 WP 4 Comparing and developing Curricula and Education on OI 4 WP 5 Consolidation of Common Curricula Framework 5 WP 6 Quality assurance 6 WP 7 Dissemination 7 WP 8 Sustainability and Exploitation of results 8
OI-Net WP Leaders 11 WP 1 Leader Marko Torkkeli LUT WP 3 Leader Anne-Laure Mention CRP Henri Tudor WP 5 Leader Ger Post Fontys University of Applied Sciences WP 7 Leader Iain Bitran, Steffen Conn ISPIM WP 8 Leader Anna Trifilova University of Exeter WP 6 Leader Christophe Terrasse EFMD WP 4 Leader Simona Lache University of Transilvania WP 2 Leader Marko Torkkeli LUT
WP 2: Industrial Needs 12 WP Leader Marko Torkkeli, LUT WP Core Team EFMD, Belgium ESCEM/FBS – FRANCE BUSINESS SCHOOL, France RWTH Aachen University, Germany Athens University of Economics and Business-Research Center (AUEB-RC), Greece IMCRC University of Miskolc, Hungary Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change, National University of Ireland, Ireland Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Linköping University, Sweden Geneva School of Business Administration, Switzerland WP Support Annick Castiaux University of Narmur
WP 3: Methodologies and Practices 13 WP Leader Anne-Laure Mention CRP Henri Tudor WP Core Team New Bulgaria University, Bulgaria Aarhus University, Denmark University of Tartu, Estonia Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany iNNOWiSE, Germany Strategie en Organisatie, Netherlands NTNU Social Research AS, Norway Instutute de Empresa, IE UNIVERSIDAD, Spain EADA, Spain University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina WP Support Tor Helge Norwegian School of Economics
WP 4: Curricula and Education 14 WP Leader Simona Lache University of Transilvania WP Core Team Wifi - Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Austria FH Wien, Austria MAC-Team aisbl, Belgium University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic Actif-Europe, France Politecnico di Milano, Italy Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia University of Malta, Malta Technology Partners, Poland University of Novi Sad, Serbia Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Middle East Technical University, Turkey ISPIM, United Kingdom University of Exeter, United Kingdom WP Support J.J.Pinto Ferreira INESC Porto, University of Porto
WP 5: Common Curricula Framework 15 WP Leader Ger Post Fontys University of Applied Sciences WP Core Team University of Zagreb, Croatia University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of West Hungary, Hungary Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy TTP Lab, Technology Transfer Program & Laboratory/ Studio ing. Giordani, Italy Riga International School of Economics and Business Adminsitration, Latvia University of Economics in Katowice, Poland Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Slovenia Marin Barleti University, Albania WP Support Elpida Christou EU association of Erasmus coordinators
OI-Net Outcomes o A core course curriculum of OI-Common Curricula Framework (CCF) to enable establishment of quality-controlled teaching of OI across HEIs in Europe o Initiating a collaborative transnational platform that pools contributions from open innovation actors in Europe both from academia and business o Piloting the process of using open data and the collaborative OI platform o Building the Community of Practice and Peer Community on OI in higher education o Contributing to the development of the EU Education Agenda directly by policy recommendations and by generating a sustainable platform and community 16
18 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Programme: ERASMUS # LLP FI-ERASMUS-ENW o For more information: FIN: Coordinators (Lappeenranta University of Technology) o Marko Torkkeli o Justyna Dabrowska