NEGATIVE TÚ COMMANDS Negative TÚ commands is used to tell friends, family members, or young people what NOT to do. Negative TÚ commands is formed by using the present tense YO form as the stem, dropping the -o, and adding the appropriate ending. NOTICE THE COLOR CODE OF THE VERB ENDINGS: -es: Negative TÚ command of -AR verbs -as: Negative TÚ command of -ER and -IR verbs
NEGATIVE TÚ COMMAND FORMS OF -AR VERBS Yo form-present tense tomo (I take/I drink) trabajo (I work) Examples: Negative TÚ command No hables mucho No contestes las preguntas Negative TÚ command No tomes No trabajes Don't talk a lot Don't answer the questions Drop the -o of the present tense YO form of the verb, and add -es:
NEGATIVE TÚ COMMAND FORMS OF - ER AND -IR VERBS Yo form-present tense como (I eat) leo (I read) escribo (I write) recibo (I receive) Examples: Negative TÚ command No comas dulces No escribas en el libro Negative TÚ command No comas No leas No escribas No recibas Do not eat candies Do not write on the book Drop the -o of the present tense YO form of the verb, and add -as:
Irregulars Irreg. YO form-present tense Irreg. YO form-present tense Pongo (I put) Salgo (I leave) Hago (I do/make) Traigo (I bring) Conozco (I know) Traduzco (I translate) Negative TÚ command No pongas No salgas No hagas No traigas No conozcas No traduzcas
Irregulars Irreg. verbs present tense Irreg. verbs present tense Digo (I say) Oigo (I hear) Tengo (I have) Vengo (I come) Negative TÚ command No digas No oigas No tengas No vengas
IRREGULAR NEGATIVE TU COMMANDS Dar (to give) No des tu blusa favorita Dont give your favorite blouse Estar (to be) No estés triste Don't be sad Ser (to be) ¡No seas odioso! Don't be mean! Ir (to go) No vayas al parque Don't go to the park