View - Commands
Is used to fit the entire project in the graphics window. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F2 Is used to fit the entire project in the graphics window. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F2 Zoom all
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Is used to zoom an area in the graphics window defined by a rectangle created by pressing the LMB and dragging diagonally in the graphics window. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F3 Is used to zoom an area in the graphics window defined by a rectangle created by pressing the LMB and dragging diagonally in the graphics window. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F3 Zoom win
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Is used to incrementally zoom out and reduce the display size of the project. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F4 Is used to incrementally zoom out and reduce the display size of the project. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F4 Zoom down
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Is used to incrementally zoom in and increase the display size of the project. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F5 Is used to incrementally zoom in and increase the display size of the project. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F5 Zoom up
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Is used to dynamically zoom in or out, increasing or decreasing the display size of the project, by pressing the LMB and dragging up or down in the graphics window. This command is only available in this menu. Dynamic zoom
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Is used to zoom in base on the entity selected. This command is only available in this menu. Zoom on selection
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Is used to move the entire project around in the graphics window using the LMB. Pressing the MMB (wheel) in the graphics window has the same affect. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F6 Is used to move the entire project around in the graphics window using the LMB. Pressing the MMB (wheel) in the graphics window has the same affect. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F6 Pan
Is used to view points by toggling to see them or not. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F7 Is used to view points by toggling to see them or not. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F7 Mark Point
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Is used to open the part/layer view display where parts and layers can be turned off or back on. Toolbar Button: Is used to open the part/layer view display where parts and layers can be turned off or back on. Toolbar Button: Visual…
Part/Layer view
The Top view is the only view we will use in this course. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F8 The Top view is the only view we will use in this course. Toolbar Button: Keyboard Shortcut: F8 Top View
Shading is the only rendering mode we will use in this course. Toolbar Button: Shading is the only rendering mode we will use in this course. Toolbar Button: Shading