Edmodo’s mission is to connect all learners with the people and resources they need to reach their full potential
Edmodo is the largest social learning network in the world 20,000,000+ TOTAL USERS AROUND THE WORLD
Mobile Learning – Anytime, Anyplace Mobile app available for iOS (iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch) and Android Access Edmodo on any mobile browser at m.edmodo.com Get updates and notifications on the go
Secure Platform Ensures Safety and Privacy Closed environment No private information required from students Students can only join classes by the invitation of their teacher All communication is archived Teacher has full management control Students use this code to sign up
Student Sign-Up Students who already have an account can log in and click the “+” Students are NOT required to give address Students use your group code to register for a new account …And then enter the group code to join group
Student Profile Badges awarded by teachers Link to grade book for each group Students share their learning style and goals
Student Homepage The backpack: Unlimited storage for documents, videos and other resources The backpack: Unlimited storage for documents, videos and other resources Students can only join groups. They cannot create groups Students receive notifications for grades, assignments, alerts or replies Students can only send messages to the entire group or directly to the teacher Parents use this code to create their account or add student to their existing account
Post a Message Post a Note, Alert, Assignment, Quiz or Poll. Attach any type of file or link Send to individual group, multiple groups, small groups, parents, individual students and/or teacher connections Send immediately or schedule posts for the future
Badges Award badges to motivate and recognize achievement. Create badges aligned to standards, positive behaviors, and more Use pre-loaded badges or create your own
Planner (Calendar) Add/create class events or tasks, view scheduled assignments View by month or week Filter by group or view all Tasks show up here to keep you on track
Library Add unlimited files, links, and embed codes and post groups from the stream Add unlimited files, links, and embed codes and post groups from the stream Organize library into folders and share folders with your groups Teachers and students can connect Google Drive accounts
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