, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg WMO ICSU IOC WCRP and Arctic GOOS: V. Ryabinin, JPS for WCRP
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg The WCRP Strategic Framework Coordinated Observation and Prediction of the Earth System WCRP-123 WMO/TD-N° 1291 August 2005 AIM To facilitate analysis & prediction of Earth system variability & change for use in an increasing range of practical applications of direct relevance, benefit & value to society
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg Cross-cutting Topics: Monsoons Seasonal Forecasting Sea-Level Change Atm. Chemistry and Climate Anthropogenic Climate Change Extreme Events International Polar Year
WGNE WGCM WGSF SOLAS > WCRP Observation Assimilation Panel WCRP Modelling Panel CliC 2000 GEWEX 1988 CLIVAR 1995 SPARC 1992 Task Forces Coordinated Observation and Prediction of the Earth System
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg WCRP & Polar (Arctic) Research (1) Observing: RA, Reprocessing, polar RA ->Climate System RA store the raw data CEOS-GCOS -> UNFCCC This is what you can count on with > certainty IGOS Cryosphere contribute, to your benefit CEOP and CEOP II GEOSS, IGWCO main data production engine WCRP & Polar (Arctic) Research (1) Observing: RA, Reprocessing, polar RA ->Climate System RA store the raw data CEOS-GCOS -> UNFCCC This is what you can count on with > certainty IGOS Cryosphere contribute, to your benefit CEOP and CEOP II GEOSS, IGWCO main data production engine
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg Development Web Site: 3 rd WORKSHOP: ESTEC/ESA Oct 2006 Contact me!
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period A Prototype of the Global Water Cycle Observation System of Systems Phase 2
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg WCRP & IPY (few examples) : AOSB/CliC: iAOOS Arctic HYDRA, Arctic HYCOS Cooperation with ESA: GlobIce, GlobGlacier, IPY AO… GIIPSY WCRP & IPY (few examples) : AOSB/CliC: iAOOS Arctic HYDRA, Arctic HYCOS Cooperation with ESA: GlobIce, GlobGlacier, IPY AO… GIIPSY
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg Spaceborne Observations of the Polar Regions Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY) Summary of observations suited to spaceborne systems planned to be operating during the IPY Heritage documents include: –IGOS Cryosphere Theme Report –ISMASS Report –NRC Decadal Survey Climate Panel Report (in prep) Prepared by the GIIPSY Project Group
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg IPY science goals can be realized through collaboration on the end-to-end system of: Sensors and Spacecraft Acquisition Planning Receiving Ground Stations Processing Facilities Calibration and Validation The End to End System Additionally, plans should include suborbital campaigns where there may be a need to tie interrupted spaceborne observations (e.g. ERS-2 to IceSAT to Envisat RA2) that bracket the IPY period.
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg WCRP & Polar (Arctic) Research (2) Modelling, forecasting, process studies: Development of models for regional and global activities - PCMDI - MIPs: SIMIP, AOMIP, SnowMIP, ISMINT, … - etc. Polar THORPEX (cooperation with, seamless prediction) Seasonal Forecasting LT Climate projections – polar focus Arctic Climate Panel, CLIVAR/SPARC ICARP: focus on modelling and hydrology/cryosphere Sea-ice work WCRP & Polar (Arctic) Research (2) Modelling, forecasting, process studies: Development of models for regional and global activities - PCMDI - MIPs: SIMIP, AOMIP, SnowMIP, ISMINT, … - etc. Polar THORPEX (cooperation with, seamless prediction) Seasonal Forecasting LT Climate projections – polar focus Arctic Climate Panel, CLIVAR/SPARC ICARP: focus on modelling and hydrology/cryosphere Sea-ice work WCRP Observation Assimilation Panel
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg WCRP and Arctic GOOS WCRP will join the Arctic GRA It is essential that Arctic GRA has a significant climate component, it will make it competitive and more relevant I will be your initial WCRP contact
, Bergen, Arctic GOOS mtg Arctic GRA = AGRA?