Workplace Materials
Imagine a chemical purchased by someone in Germany from Japan. The information is originally in Japanese, must be transported by boat to Europe, transferred to a truck, travel through several different countries who all speak different languages, before arriving in Germany. There are so many places where something could go wrong, get misinterpreted or a whole host of other problems. WHMIS
(W)orkplace (H)azardous (M)aterials (I)nformation (S)ystem WHMIS is a system created so that countries across the planet can communicate information about potentially dangerous products. WHMIS
There are 8 recognized symbols that communicate a specific danger associated with a product WHMIS Symbols
1.Compressed Gas A gas that has been forcibly put into a container, having a pressure higher than regular atmospheric pressure. Sensitive to heat (could explode) an example of how compressed gas reacts to heat WHMIS
2.Flammable Substance that is easily caught on fire (not necessarily explosive, but can be) Sensitive to heat sUJ4GdQw sUJ4GdQw WHMIS
3.Oxidizing While not necessarily flammable itself, an oxidizing chemical is one that under specific circumstances may contribute oxygen to a chemical reaction, allowing it to catch fire more easily and violently. BlaqkikQ BlaqkikQ WHMIS
4.Poisonous A chemical that will cause an immediate poisonous effect. WHMIS
5.Toxic A toxic chemical is one that will have an affect on someone if they are exposed to it for a long period of time. Examples: asbestos or carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) WHMIS
6.Biohazardous Any material that actually is, is part of, or is from a living organism, which may be contaminated with infectious diseases. WHMIS
7. Corrosive A chemical that can damage or destroy other things it comes in contact with. yLbiwHkg yLbiwHkg WHMIS
8. Dangerously Reactive A chemical or substance that can when combined with certain other chemicals or substances can react violently and uncontrollable reactions. Also includes unstable chemicals that can decompose on their own with the same result as above. WHMIS
Every company globally recognizes the significance of these symbols and the hazards associated with them. This helps transporters or users to handle them properly regardless of their language. Why WHMIS?
Many chemicals are transported as liquids because of their ability to flow makes handling the products much easier. Imagine either moving one massive object off of a truck, or emptying small amounts of it into separate barrels. Liquefying chemicals is ideal. Transporting Chemicals
An example close to home - the oilsands. Our production facilities here transform the tar sands into a liquid ‘sweet crude oil blend’. Again, this stuff can be pumped down a pipeline as a liquid, saving all that energy in gasoline that trucks would need to drive it where it is going. Transporting Chemicals