Locating a Shift in the Mean of a Time Series Melvin J. Hinich Applied Research Laboratories University of Texas at Austin
Localizing a Single Change in the Mean A statistical uncertainty principle for the localization of a single change in the The smallest mean squared error for any estimate of the time of change of a bandlimited stationary random process mean GOAL
Discrete-Time Sampling It is common in time series analysis to begin Then decimate the filtered output with a discrete-time sample of the time series to obtain the discrete-time sample Apply a linear bandlimited filter to the signal
Linear Bandlimited Filter The filter is linear and causal The filter smoothes the input since the filter removed frequency components of the input for. The filter impulse response function is
Mean Shift If the mean of the signal has an abrupt shift from at an unknown time The shift in the mean of the output is
Integrated Impulse Response
Ideal Bandpass Filter Impulse response of the ideal filter - sinc function
Meanshift The shift in the mean of x(t n ) is We will now derive the least squares estimate of the location of the shift for
Maximum Likelihood Estimate - the least squares estimate of i.i.d. gaussian variates with variance is the value that maximizes the statistic
Least Squares Estimate The least squares estimate of o is the value that maximizes The standard deviation of the estimate is approximately
Asymptotic Standard Deviation E - the total energy of the white noise Area under its bandlimited white noise spectrum
Hinich Test for a Changing Slope Parameter