Experience of collaborative working in Essex A response to changing agendas? Sarah Richards, Assistant Director Sustainable Environment and Enterprise, Essex County Council
There are 12 local authorities, and 2 unitary authorities in Greater Essex Greater Essex is neighboured by 16 local and unitary authorities, 4 county’s, and the Greater London Authority The East of England Plan organised Greater Essex into 4 sub-regional areas, which continues to be used for strategic collaboration Greater Essex Political Geography
Examples of existing sub-regional collaboration The Haven Gateway Partnership The West Essex Alliance The Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership
Examples of existing collaboration Transport Thames Gateway Transport Board West Essex Transport Board Haven Gateway Transport Board Great Eastern Mainline Group West Anglia Rail Group Thames Gateway Rail Group Regional Transport Forum LEP Transport Group A12 Alliance
Growth in Harlow beyond its administrative boundaries Require coordination of LDF policies between East Herts, Harlow, and Epping Forest Joint evidence based work has been produced Political decision making has delayed further work Examples of existing collaboration Planning – Harlow Growth
Developing collaboration Local Enterprise Partnership The South Essex LEP Largest LEP in the country Area includes 32 local authorities, 3.9 million people, 130,000 businesses, 1.3 million jobs Organisation: 44 members on full board (incl 22 private sector members) 24 members on executive board
Developing collaboration Local Enterprise Partnership Shared Enterprise Zone, with benefits going to both Essex and Kent Opportunity to collaborate with private sector organisations Undertake joint research Develop collective solutions to strategic issues Benefits of collaboration through the LEP Harlow Enterprise Zone Sites
Developing collaboration – Essex response Integrated County Strategy Need for the ICS Impact of the recession, reduced public sector finances and reduced private sector investment Proposed removal of RSS, loss of strategic planning policy Need for a clear vision for Greater Essex, to prioritise and direct future investment Outcome of collaboration Regular meetings and workshops between all 15 local, unitary, and county authorities in Greater Essex Gaining support for a non-statutory document Reduced initial wish list of 400 projects to a set of 16 investment priorities Completed the Integrated County Strategy in December 2010
Developing collaboration – Essex response Integrated County Strategy Town Centres Sustainable Growth Economic Base Sustainable Connectivity Key Sectors Skills Economic Drivers Neighbourhood Regeneration
Role of the ICS To provide a shared and agreed vision for Greater Essex, that provides the most effective approach to economic growth To articulate the needs of Greater Essex to Central Government To inform and influence the LEP To provide a strategic guide to help inform and prioritise investment decisions Developing collaboration – Essex response Integrated County Strategy
Future of the ICS Greater Essex know what is required to produce economic growth Continuation of strong joint working relationships Production of an Investment Plan Future challenges for the ICS Identifying new ways of working with public and private partners Identifying appropriate funding mechanisms –Strategic Rolling Investment Funds, TIF, LABV, pooling of CIL, NHB Adapting to the changing planning environment Developing collaboration – Essex response Integrated County Strategy