Home Inspection in Atlanta GA for New Homes high-tech-inspections.com high-tech-inspections.com North America’s premier inspection service high-tech-inspections.com
Why to go for Home inspection? Sometimes the buyer is emotionally attached to a home and can’t imagine the problems with it. A buyer needs a home inspection to find out all the problems possible with the home before moving in. Once your inspection is performed, do not wait on the agent to assist you. Review the inspection and make a list of items you think the seller should address and present them to the agent in a timely manner. You need a qualified, unbiased inspection, so when the inspector does find problems, they won't be easily minimized by the other parties. Search for a professional that uses High Tech Home Inspection methods.
How to choose a good Home inspector? If you want Home Inspection in Atlanta GA then there are several ways to find a professional home inspector. For example, you can:Home Inspection in Atlanta GA Check the local phone directory Check the local phone directory Ask your real estate agent for names Ask your real estate agent for names Contact a home inspection association Contact a home inspection association Go online to association Web sites Go online to association Web sites Ask someone in the construction or housing industry Ask someone in the construction or housing industry Contact your local real estate board for references Contact your local real estate board for references Ask friends and family Ask friends and familyContd…
When choosing a home inspector: 1)Ask whether their organization is professionally recognized or not. 2)Ask about their certification and specialized training. 3)Verify that they are full-time inspectors with handful of experience. 4)Ask for references. 5)Use only inspectors who will give you a written report of their findings. 6)Ask how much time and cost. 7)Ask about their limitation of liability agreement. This will let you know what they are and are not liable for if something was missed or an oversight occurred.
Different corners of Home inspection PLUMBING: The plumbing system supply lines, wash basins, sinks, drain lines, showers, tubs, water flow, commode and water heaters. HEATING/AC: Thermostat operation, air distribution, return filters, operations of heat cycle and AC cycle. APPLIANCES: Ranges/ovens, dishwashers, disposals. All built-in appliances are included in the inspection. Equipment is operated but not dismantled for inspection!Contd…….
STRUCTURAL: The floor systems, foundation walls, roof systems, wall systems, attic areas, crawl spaces, insulation, fireplaces, ventilation (attic and crawl space), doors/windows, exterior areas and site drainage. ELECTRICAL: The electrical panel box, switches, wall receptacles, light fixtures, service entrance, GFCI receptacles and smoke alarms. Attention: Wiring inside walls is not accessible for inspection! Attention: Electrical service must be turned on for proper inspection!
About High-tech-inspection & services High Tech Inspections is locally owned and operated by Larry Thompson. He has experience of over 20 years. High Tech Inspections has been providing Property Inspection Services in Atlanta GA. As a franchise owner Larry is backed by National Property Inspections. He has access to the latest training, new laws and regulations, industry standards and so much more. NPI provides confidence and valuable knowledge to their inspectors.
Contact us For your Home Inspection in Atlanta GA, Contact us at: ADDRESS 2970 QUEENS CT NORCROSS GA, US PIN: Website: High Tech Inspections High Tech InspectionsHigh Tech Inspections