Plaza Mayor Goals: To integrate all comunity services in a common space. To be the center of the social and cultural campus activity. To relocate several central sevicess of a growing University. Work Status by June 2011 Starting date: 2009/11/16. Estimated end: March 2012 (73.46% executed.as of today) Tender budget : 17,000,000 €. Allocated budget: 14,100,021€ (1,184 €/m2). Complementary landscapping: 2,928,957 €. (30.77% executed) UAM Funding: 4,000,000€ ( CEI) in 2010 and 5,892,000€ in 2011 ( CEI). CSIC Funding: 2,107,000€ in 2009 and 1,468,000€ in 2011
Plaza Mayor: main features Total surface: ,64 m2 (in 4 floors) Particular emphasis on a high building functionality and sustaintibility Space/service allocation About 80% space for UAM central services and open spaces. About 20% space for external agents to provide service and support to the Campus Community.
Plaza Mayor Ground Plan
Aula 2015 Plan Goal: adapt classrooms to EEEA requirements and a standard infrastructure Overhead projector fixed and protected, Screen, PA system. Desks wired for laptops, Mobile blackboards. Wireless Link actuations 41 classrooms reformed Total surface: 6,960 m2 Total expenditures: 3,257,842€ ( € from CEI Program)
Cantoblanco Campus Development East Cantoblanco Campus Development. Three phases during New streets’ surface : 53,000 m2 Street infrastructure Investment : EUR 6,100,000€ Five New research buildings to be housed by 2012 Improvements in Cantoblanco Campus Urbanization Six main actuations Basic Infrastructure improvements High-speed data network, bike lanes, ecological irrigation, …
East Cantoblanco Campus Layout
Medicine Campus Development. Existing buildings: 29,280 m2: Medical School, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Consolidated unused spaces: North Area (28, m2 plot) Parking Lot ( m2 plot) in south area New Buildings/Infrastructures: New Teaching Facilities: 3,700 m2 Student Residence: 300 places, 6,000 m2 (external management) Parking: 300 spaces. Bars / Restaurants: 700 m2. (external management)
Medicine Campus Development Layout
Environmental Sustainability Photovoltaic energy generation Surface Area: 33,000 m2. Power: 916 KWh Annual Energy Production: 1,275,000 kWh. CO2 reduction: 480 T Improved insulation 900 windows to be changed between 2010 and 2011 in Cantoblanco and Medicine Campuses Savings in power consumption 78 kW/m2/year in 2009 and kWm2/year in 2010, Bike Lane ( ): 2 km of new lanes
Accessibility Work done under agreements with Fundación ONCE and IMSERSO. 2009: Adapted access to galleries 2 and 3 and to Module VIin Philosophy Faculty Rectorate Building Elevator 2010: 5 adapted Rooms at Colegio Mayor J.L. Vives (received 2010 CERMI Award ) Faculty of Economics and Business. Ramp to Building C in Escuela Politécnica Superior Improved work facilities in Libraries: all have special posta adapted to handicapped people Technological accesibility: Most of UAM web pages have been adapted. Rest are in the adjustment process Campus signage project for disabled people New technological resources for Education in Equality
Excellence, Leadership, Commitment. Thanks for your attention!