STEP 1- THE CHILD IS DETERMINED AS POSSIBLY NEEDING SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICES There are two primary ways in which children can be identified: –Child find- It is stated in IDEA that each state is required to identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities –When child is determined to possibly have a disability, parents make be asked for permission to evaluate their child –Referral or request for evaluation- A school professional may ask for a child to be evaluated for disability –Parents may also contact a teacher or a school professional to ask for their child to be evaluated
STEP 2- THE CHILD IS EVALUATED Evaluation is intended to answer the following questions: Does the child have a disability that requires the provision of special education and related services? What are the child’s specific educational needs? What special education services and related services, then, are appropriate for addressing those needs? Law requires evaluation to be “full and individual” –Focus on that child alone Results are used to determine whether the child is eligible for special education and related services
STEP 3- ELIGIBILITY IS DECIDED A group of qualified professional and parents come together to look at the child’s evaluation results Come to a decision to determine whether the child is a “child with a disability” as defined by the IDEA Step 4- child is found eligible for services Once the child is determined to be a “child with disability” under the IDEA, team of school professionals and parents must meet to write an individualized education program (IEP)
STEP 5- IEP MEETING IS SCHEDULED STEP 6- IEP meeting is held and the IEP is written IEP team gathers to talk about child’s needs Both child and parent are involved Parents must give consent Child begins to receive services as soon after the IEP is written and consent is given
STEP 7- SERVICES ARE PROVIDED Teachers and service providers are given access to the IEP –Specific responsibilities to carry out the IEP Includes accommodation, modification and supports Step 8- Progress is measured and reported to parents Parents are routinely informed about their child’s progress Progress reports inform whether their child will meet goals by the end of the year
STEP 9- IEP IS REVIEWED The IEP is reviewed by the IEP team at least once a year IEP may be revised if necessary Parents must be invited and may suggest changes –If they do not agree they can address their concerns to the IEP team to work out an agreement –Several options: additional testing, an independent evaluation, or asking for mediation, or a due process hearing Step 10 – child is reevaluated Child must be reevaluated every 3 years
Source 10 Basic Steps in Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from