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Interesting web pages: 1. Summer activitiesSummer activities 2. Books and ProjectsBooks and Projects 3. Acoustics DVD setAcoustics DVD set 4. Physics OlympicsPhysics Olympics 5. Question of the WeekQuestion of the Week 6. Web Site IllusionsWeb Site Illusions
Illusions Physics is Phun January 2006
Plane Mirrors
Curved Mirrors
Anamorphic Art “Alice in Wonderland” Waters Landing Elementary School Germantown, Maryland
Impossible Figure Illusions
A Pair Of Paradoxes
Shepard’s Tones Roger N. Shepard, Circularity in Judgements of Relative Pitch, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, (Rising stepwise and falling glissando)
Jean-Claude Risset: Computer Suite from Little Boy (1968), Movement 2: Fall
Walk-in Box
Trapezoidal Window
Birgit Brill with daughter Ingrid in Ames Room
Pulfrich Phenomenon
Please leave the goggles on your seat
What is “Greener than Green?”
We are on the web at Animated Gifs compliments of The End See you in March!