Fair Play and FIFA Pietro Balestri e Matteo Andre Classe 3^E English lab
What is Fair Play ?
Fair play A code of conduct for sportmen and fans about RESPECT
And what is FIFA? Fédération Internationale de Football Association is the international governing body of association football, futsal and beach soccer
Football It’s a sport very popular in all over the world. There are eleven players in a football team and each team has to catch the ball and to carry it to the goal without using arms
futsal Futsal is similar football but in a futsal team there are five people
Beach Soccer It is similar to futsal. There is only a different: beach soccer is played on the sand
FIFA supports the fair play
And Fifa co-operates with important international humans right organisations
In Glasgow there are two teams. Celtic is a catholic team and Rangers a protestant team
FIFA demolished this religious barrier thanks to a wristbands blue and green like the colours of these two clubs
And FIFA priorities aren’t only in football: it wants to… … fight against discrimination, racism and child labour … better health … equal education oppotunities for boys and girls … integration of handicapped people in society
We must make Fair Play a real opportunity for our life !