8 steps every salesperson should know!
Looking for customers and getting ready for the sale Write a scenario, ex. I will be selling clothes at the Gap and have had training on the products
Greeting the customer face to face. Service Approach: asking the customer for assistance, “May I help you with something?” Greeting Approach: simply welcoming the customer, “Good morning” (not focusing on the merchandise)
Merchandise Approach Method: the salesperson makes a comment about a product the customer is considering “The pink color is really popular this year.”
Learning what the customer wants; ex. “What size shirt does your wife wear?”
Educating the customer about the product’s features and benefits “This shirt is pink and will not shrink. It will match the pants.” Or “Try this camera”
Learning what concerns the customer has and trying to satisfy a buying decision “I understand the shirt costs a little more, but the fabric will not lose its color or shrink.”
Getting the customer to buy “How many shirts would you like?”
Suggesting additional products the customer should buy “The shirt and the belt really match, would you be interested in buying the belt?”
Helping the customer feel that he/she has made a wise purchase “If your wife does not like this shirt, she can return it or exchange it as long as she has a receipt.”
“Can I help you?” “What can I help you find?”
Attention Interest Desire Conviction Action
A need for product Resources to purchase (money) Authority
Feature: description of product characteristic Benefit: advantage provided to customer
Complex or $$$ expensive Markets made up of a few large customers New or unique products Customers in a limited geographic area Complicated or long decision-making process Customers who expect help
ADVANTAGES More information More time (provides more information) Flexible Uses feedback Persuasive Follow-up DISADVANTAGES Cost per customer Time required Less control Skills required