Jake T. Age 9 Missouri
I was sitting at the table thinking what problem a lot of kids have. Then it struck me. A lot of moms have to constantly go to the store because there kids have outgrown their clothes. Wouldn’t you like it if you had a shirt that would grow with you?
1.Install zippers and then unzip the zipper and then the extra layer comes out. problem: the layer could get stuck in the zipper. 2. (my invention) to sew the sleeves then take the sewing out with a seam ripper.
Pants with buttons that you use to expand the waists. Problem: I don’t like feeling buttons on my thighs all day long.
This diagram shows my invention. The green arrows point to the first design style. The blue arrow points at the second design style.
I love this invention! It saves me so much money! Thanks for buying me this awesome shirt that I can wear for a long time thanks to this awesome invention!
With this invention you’ll get the lady /man of your dreams.