Enterprise Systems Architectures EGN 5620 Enterprise Systems Integration Professional MSEM Fall, 2012
SAP Architecture Design
Organizational levels in Accounting Client Company code Business area Controlling area Operating concern Organizational levels in procurement Purchasing organization Purchasing group Plant Storage location Organizational levels in fulfillment (sales) Sales organizations Divisions Distribution channel Sales areas Shipping point Plant Storage location Organizational levels in PP Plant Work Center Storage location Shipping Point Types of Data: Organizational levels
SAP Enterprise Structure Example Financial Client GBI Operating Concern (global) GL## CA Europe EU## CA North Am. NA## CA Asia AS## Chart of Accounts (global) GL## CoA US## CC US## CA## CC CA## CoA DE## CC DE## GB## CC GB ## AU## CC AU## JP## CC JP ## Business Area – Bicycles BI##
Procurement Client GBI CC US## Dallas DL## Miami MI## S. Diego SD## CA## Toronto TO## Shipping Point DL## Storage Location RM## MI##SD##HD##HH## AU## Perth PE## Central Purchasing Organization (global) GL## Purchasing Org. US## CC DE## Heidelb. HD## Hamburg HH## SF## FG## MI## TG## FG## MI## TG## FG## MI## TG## FG## MI## RM## SF## FG## MI## TG## FG## MI## TO## TG## FG## MI## PE## CA## Purchasing Group North America N## PO DE## PGr Europe N## AU## Asia AS## SAP Enterprise Structure Example
Sales and Distribution Client GBI Credit Control Area (global) GL## CC US## SO East UE## SO West UW## CC CA## SO East CE## SO West CW## CC DE## SO South DS## SO North DN## CC GB## SO South GS## SO North GN## CC AU## SO South AS## SO North AN## Distribution Channel Wholesale WH Distribution Channel Internet IN Division Bicycles BI Division Accessories AS SAP Enterprise Structure Example
PEN, Inc. System Architecture Design PEN, Inc. System Architecture Design
Company configuration ◦Pen Inc. _ _ _US manufacturing Company Vermillion SD, US ◦Facilities: One manufacturing plant with warehouse in Vermillion (Plant) ◦ Work Center ◦ Storage Location 10 for Trading and finished goods 20 for Quality 30 for Raw materials ◦ Shipping point ◦Sales Organization ◦Purchase Organization
The company to be configured Cost Center Standard Hierarchy ADMIN1 _ _ (Cost Center Group) Acct-Finance Administration Purchasing Information Tech Sales 1 _ _ (Cost Center Group) Sales Marketing Distribution-Production Cost Center 1 _ _ (Cost Center Group) Warehouse Production
Pen Inc. : The company Products ◦Trading Materials BPEN 1 _ _ (Barrel Pen) CPEN 1 _ _ (Click Pen) PPEN 1 _ _ (Premium Pen) Box 1 _ _ (Pen Box) ◦Finished products EPEN 1 _ _ (Executive Pen) ESET 1 _ _ (Executive Set)
Pen Inc.: Key Processes ◦Fulfillment (sell) ◦Procurement (buy) ◦Production (make) ◦Material Planning (plan) ◦Financial Accounting (track) ◦Management Accounting (track) ◦Inventory and Warehouse Management (store) ◦Enterprise Asset Management (maintain) ◦Customer Service (service) ◦HCM (people)
Pen Inc. : The company The IS of the Pen, Inc. will ◦integrate and share all services for all business functions in the Vermillion Office ◦Centralize all ERP functions ◦Achieve the primary business objectives: Reduce Costs Deliver Best-in-Class Technology to all divisions Information system requirement
Exercises: (Due 9/22/2012) 1. Review bill of materials for executive pen set 2. Display multi-level bill of materials for ESET 3. Review routing for assembly EPEN 4. Review Routing/BOM in the engineering workbench 5. Review work center and assigned capacity 6. Create forecast (consumption values) for finished products 7. Create material master for finished products 8. Create bill of material 9. Create finished products routing 10. Create product group 11. Create sales and operations plan 12. Transfer SOP to demand management 13. Review demand management 14. Run MPS with MRP 15. Review stock/requirement list