OVERVIEW Dose and Dose – Response Threshold vs Non-threshold Safety Factors Basic Dose Equation Abbot’s Correction and Poisson Table DTSC’s PEA Risk Equations
DOSE – RESPONSE ASSESSMENT Dose – response refers to a correlation between a quantified exposure and the percentage of a population that demonstrates a specific effect Fundamental basis of the quantitative relationship between exposure to an agent and the incidence of an adverse response The dose – response assessment is the step in the risk assessment in which the dose of an agent is evaluated against a certain endpoint
EXTRAPOLATION Extrapolation = an educated guess based on observable responses and a mathematical model Mathematical model is used to predict response levels that cannot be directly observed All dose – response models represent extrapolation Dose – response assessment must make assumptions These assumptions must be included in assessment For example, Assume that the dose assessment will not underestimate the risk Assume mechanism for test group and risk group are the same
CATEGORIES OF DOSE – RESPONSE MODELS Chemical Kinetics Model = probability of response is related to the rate of chemical reactions in the body Model Free Approaches = mathematical construct not based on any biological model of response Threshold Models = aka. “tolerance distribution model” “Threshold” is the fundamental basis Suggests a safe dose for all substances
DOSE – RESPONSE RELATIONSHIP Starts with the determination of the critical effects to be evaluated EPA has issued toxicity specific guidelines for identifying critical effects such as cancer, developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, etc. Critical Adverse Health Effect = the significant adverse biological effect that occurs at the lowest exposure level Threshold dose – response = reference dose Non-threshold dose - response = cancer slope factor
THRESHOLD DOSE Reference dose is based on the assumption of a threshold Threshold = concentration of a substance (or dose) below which there is no harmful effect Threshold Dose = minimum application of a given substance required to produce an observable effect NOEL, NOAEL, LOAEL, *LD50, *LC50
THRESHOLD DOSE LEVELS NOEL = No Observed Effect Level Dose in which there is no effect observed No changes in any response There is a suggestion that this is a “safe” level NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Level Dose in which there may be detected changes None of the changes are deemed “adverse” LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level Dose in which adverse effects have been detected Includes data / testing that show a statistical difference between test and control groups
THRESHOLD DOSE LEVELS Generally chose the highest NOEL or NOAEL since this stretches the limit of a dose with no effect If no NOEL or NOAEL, choose the lowest LOAEL Used to calculate reference dose of a substance Safety Factor = aka uncertainty factors; attempts to account for the differences between test group (rats) and the risk group (humans)
SAFETY / UNCERTAINTY FACTORS Generally set at 10 (one order of magnitude) Not exact but tries to adjust for any uncertainty, such as: Intra-species variation Synergism Alternate route of exposure Matching control, test and / or risk groups Latency adjustments Quality of study
USING NOAEL’s Served as basis for risk assessment calculations for reference doses, reference concentrations, or acceptable daily intake values Reference dose (RfD) = daily dose with no significant risk over a lifetime Reference concentration (RfC) = same as RfD for air Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) = used by World Health Organization (WHO) for pesticides and food additives to define “the daily intake of a chemical, which during an entire lifetime appears to be without appreciable risk on the basis of all known facts at that time”
USING NOAEL’s Utilized in risk assessments to evaluate a margin of exposure for substances Ratio of the NOAEL determined in animals and expressed as mg/kg/day, is compared with the level to which a human may be exposed Low margin of exposure values indicate the human levels of exposure are close to NOAEL in animals Margin of safety can be calculated and is often used in evaluating pharmaceuticals Determines effective therapeutic dose compared with a dose causing toxicity
NOAEL LIMITATIONS Must be one of the experimental dose levels tested Ignores the rest of the dose – response curve Experiments that test fewer animals result in larger NOAEL’s and thus larger RfD’s Does not identify the actual response at the NOAEL and will vary based on experimental design Other methods, such as benchmark dose, can be used as well
NON – THRESHOLD APPROACHES Cancer potency = refers to dose – response curve for a carcinogen Any exposure can have a carcinogenic response Assumes “safe” value for substances if the risk is less than 1 x 10-4 to 1 X 10-6, usually 1 X 10-6 (one in a million) Determine cancer potency by calculating upper and lower limits of risk based on values in a Poisson Table
REMEMBER…. Pt = Xt / Nt Pt = risk to the test group Xt = cases in test group Nt = total in test group Pc = Xc / Nc Pc = risk to control group Xc = cases in control group Nt = total in control group Attributable Risk (AR) = Pt – Pc (assumes same mechanism of response for test and control groups)
ABBOT’S CORRECTION Adjusts for different, or independent, mechanisms of response between the test and control groups. Control – adjusted test group response P-adjusted = Attributable Risk including Abbot’s Correction P-adjusted = Pt – Pc / (1 – Pc) Denominator can be thought of as the total amount of possible risk. NOTE: if there is 0 risk to the control group, P-adjusted = Pt
CALCULATING UPPER AND LOWER RISK FACTORS Calculate adjusted “P” for upper and lower confidence limits Once the statistical limits are set, the risk factors for the risk assessment can be calculated. Risk factor = R = P/ D R = increase in excess risk per dose increase Conservative calculation uses the upper limit to determine the risk factor.
EXAMPLE #1 Suppose 20 of 200 test rats given a dose 1 mg of chemical X die from cancer, while 10 of 200 control rats die from cancer. Using Abbot’s Correction and the Poisson Table, what are the upper and lower limits of excess risk? What is the conservative unit risk factor?
EXAMPLE #2 Suppose 40 of 200 test rats given a dose 3 mg of chemical X develop tumors, while 10 of 200 control rats develop tumors. Using Abbot’s Correction and the Poisson Table, what are the upper and lower limits of excess risk? What is the conservative unit risk factor?
CALCULATING DOSE D = C/F * I * 70/W * E/L * T D = dose C = concentration of substance F = safety factor (usually 10) I = intake (usually default values) 70 = average weight of a human W = weight of test animal (rat, etc) E = average time of exposure in days L = average lifetime of species T = time of exposure in humans
DOSE EXAMPLE #1 Suppose a suspected carcinogen is found in water at a concentration of 0.2 mg/L. What is the average lifetime daily dose to a human? For simplicity, assume: E and L entire lifetime of human F No safety factors T Lifespan of 79 years x 365 days = 28835 I default water intake of 2 L/day W 70 kg for average human (154 lbs)
DOSE EXAMPLE #2 Suppose a suspected carcinogen is found in water at a concentration of 0.5mg/L. What is the average lifetime daily dose to a human? For simplicity, assume: E and L occur over entire lifetime of human F = 10 T = Lifespan of 76 years x 365 days = 27,740 days I = default water intake of 2 L/day W= 70 kg
CALCULATING RfD EXAMPLE #1 Performed testing on chemical X with rats and determined the NOAEL in rats is 1 mg/kg/day. RfD = NOAEL / F = 1mg/kg/day / 10 = 0.1 mg/kg/day for humans
CALCULATING RfD EXAMPLE #2 A neurotoxin has a NOEL of 0.05 gm/day in male rats (weight 0.5kg) What is the RfD for humans? Assume F = 10 W = 0.5 kg (weight of male rats) No latency and lifetime of exposure
EXAMPLE #3 Assume the values below and answer the questions on next slide : C = 1mg/m3 I = daily inhalation of 20 m3/day T = 78 years x 365 days/yr = 28,470 days P-adjusted for test animal = 0.1 Test animal lifetime dose = 10kg
EXAMPLE #3 1. What is the daily dose? (D-day = CIT) 2. What is the lifetime dose? (D- lifetime = CIT) 3. What is the Unit Risk Factor? (R = P-adjusted / D-test animal) 4. What is the lifetime risk to the risk group? (P = R x D- lifetime)
DTSC’S PEA HUMAN HEALTH SCREENING RISK EVALUATION Guidance document provides calculations for human health risk assessments, complete with default values Exposure Point Concentration (EPC or C) = concentration of the chemical in a particular media (water, air, soil) Slope Factor (SF) = plausible upper-bound estimate of the probability of a response per unit intake of a chemical over a lifetime; used to estimate the probability of an individual developing cancer as a result of a lifetime of exposure to a carcinogen at a certain dose. Inhalation Unit Risk = upper-bound excess lifetime cancer risk estimated to result from continuous exposure to a carcinogen at 1ug/m3 in air
DTSC’S PEA HUMAN HEALTH SCREENING RISK EVALUATION Hazard Quotient (HQ)= ratio of a single substance exposure level over a specified time period to a reference dose for that substance derived from a similar exposure period. Hazard Index (HI) = sum of two or more hazard quotients for multiple substances and/or multiple exposure pathways Reference Dose or Concentration (RfD or RfC) = estimate of a daily exposure to the human population that is likely to be without appreciable risk of adverse non-cancer effects during a lifetime.
LIFETIME AVERAGE DAILY DOSE (LADD) FOR CARCINOGENS IN SOIL Adds the oral and dermal exposure pathways adds child and adult exposures
LIFETIME AVERAGE DAILY DOSE (LADD) FOR CARCINOGENS IN SOIL Also adds the child and adult exposures Air pathway only Risk is added to the oral and dermal LADD to get LADD total
HAZARD INDEX FOR NON-CARCINOGENS IN SOIL Adds the oral and dermal exposure pathways Only uses the child values (6 years old) because the Hazard Index for a child will not be exceeded for any other age. Can calculate adult and add to get total average daily dose (ADD)
HAZARD INDEX FOR NON-CARCINOGENS IN SOIL Air pathway only Added to the oral and dermal hazard quotients to get total hazard index for a chemical
EXAMPLE #1 – 1,4 DIOXANE LADD / ADD Soil is contaminated with 1,4 - dioxane. Maximum soil concentration detected C = 100 mg/kg. What are the child oral, dermal, and inhalation ADD’s and lifetime LADD’s estimates? EPA IRIS values for 1,4-dioxane are: RfD oral = 3 x 10-2 mg/kg/day (also used for dermal) RfC inhal = 3 x 10-2 mg/m3 Cancer slope oral = 1x10-1 mg/kg/day (also used for dermal) Cancer Inhalation Unit Risk = 5 x 10-6 ug/m3
EXAMPLE #2 – STYRENE ADD only Soil is contaminated with styrene. Maximum soil concentration detected C = 500 mg/kg. What are the child oral, dermal, and inhalation ADD estimates. EPA IRIS values for Styrene are: RfD oral = 0.2 mg/kg/day (also used for dermal) RfC inhal = 1 mg/m3
EXAMPLE #3 – BROMOFORM LADD only Soil is contaminated with bromoform. Maximum soil concentration detected C = 990 mg/kg. What are the lifetime oral, dermal, and inhalation LADD estimates. EPA IRIS values for Styrene are: Oral SF = 7.9 x 10-3 mg/kg/day (also used for dermal) Inhalation SF = 1.1 x10-6 ug/m3
NEXT WEEK Hazard characterization based on Hazard Index and Lifetime Incremental Cancer Risk Uncertainties Analysis Acceptable Risks Site determination
REVIEW Dose and Dose – Response Threshold vs Non-threshold Safety Factors Basic Dose Equation Abbot’s Correction and Poisson Table DTSC’s PEA Risk Equations (for soil)