Probability- a way to measure the chances that something will occur in relation to the possible alternatives. The temperature and depth of the water can affect the probability of the coral surviving. The amount of nutrients, oxygen, and wave action can also affect their survival. There must be plenty of wave action in order for the corals to survive, the waves bring oxygen and nutrients to their area. The depth of the water must be shallow. The temperature of the water must be around 18 °c – 23 ° c, or 74 °F – 84 °F. Small creatures named Coral Planula depend on the brain coral as a home. They float around in the ocean for several days or months until they find an area where they can live an area with a perfect temperature, depth, oxygen, nutrients, and wave action.
Variance & Standard Deviation – The two values to describe how far away your data is from the mean. Variance and Mean are very different from each other. A mean is the overall average of all the numbers and a variance is how far away you are from the mean. Also, variance and mean have different equations.
Theoretical Distribution Curve or TDC is a theoretical or ideal picture of a distribution based upon random sampling.
The Chi-Square test is used to see if there are any significant differences between data sites or sources. In order get our data we played the sea turtle game. First we split up into groups of 4 and were assigned a beach A, B, C, D, or E. We started with 25 sea turtles and had to try to avoid all the obstacles and we recorded how many sea turtles were still alive at the end of the game. There are many things that can affect the survival rate of Sea Turtles. There could be trash on the beach which would affect the sea turtle since they can get caught in it and become major obstacles. Predators such as raccoons, birds, and more eat the turtle eggs which would also affect the turtles in a negative way. People can also disturb the turtles nesting sites by planting their umbrellas in the ground above the nest or sitting on them. P= Since p<.05, we reject the null hypothesis, and accept the alternative hypothesis. Therefore, there is a significant difference in survival rates between Beach Sites.
Control Group Start Date: Pupation Date: Total Days: Treatment group Start date: Pupation Date: Total Days C T C T C T C T DIED C T C T C T C T C T C T C T C T C T C T C T The P value is therefore I cannot reject the null because it is above Although there was no significant difference there was difference between the observations taken through out the experiment.