Ch. 19 Measuring the Effectiveness of Promotional Programs Reasons to Measure Effectiveness Reasons Not to Measure Effectiveness
Conducting Marketing Research to Measure Effectiveness n What to Test -- Communication factors -- Behavioral factors n When to Test
Conducting Marketing Research to Measure Effectiveness (cont.) n Where to Test n How to Test: Essentials of Effectiveness Testing
Conducting Marketing Research to Measure Effectiveness (cont.) Communication FactorsBehavior Factors Pretests n Focus groups n Checklists n Split-run n Readability n Physiological n Direct mail n Theater n On-the-air n Test marketing n Single-source Concurrent n Recall n Attitude n Tracking n Coincidental n Single-source n Diaries n Pantry checks Posttests n Readership n Recall n Awareness n Attitude n Association n Audience assessment n Single-source n Split-cable n Inquiry n Sales counts
Measuring Effectiveness of Promotional Program Elements n Perception Research Services, Inc. n McCollum Spielman Worldwide n Competitive Media Reporting n The PreTesting Company, Inc. n Gallup & Robinson n TransWestern Publishing Package design; out-of home media; P-O-P displays; logos; corporate identity Impact of celebrity presenters Business-to-business advertising; media effects Package design; P-O-P displays; billboards; direct mail Radio advertising recall; trade show exhibit measures Telephone directory advertising effectiveness