Social Structures
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Game board Geography Religion Achievements Politics Economy Social Classes
1-100 The two main rivers in Mesopotamia are…
1-100A What are… The Tigris and Euphrates ?
1-200 Mesopotamia is known as…
1-200A What is the Fertile Crescent?
1-300 The name Mesopotamia means...
1-300A What is “land between two rivers”?
1-400 Name one of the two mountain ranges that protected the Mesopotamians.
1-400A What are the Zagros and Taurus Mountains ?
1-500 Mesopotamia’s geography thrived on...
1-500A What is agriculture?
The people of Mesopotamia generally believed in many gods so they were called...
2-100A What is polytheistic?
2-200 Why did the people pray to so many different kinds of gods?
2-200A What is because they were afraid that they would be punished if they didn’t and rewarded if they did?
2-300 This is where Mesopotamians went to pray and leave sacrifices to the gods
2-300A What is a ziggurat?
2-400 These people served the gods/goddesses and often performed rituals and told fortunes
2-400A Who are priests and priestesses?
2-500 These were often left at temples to protect them from demons.
2-500A What are carved statues and figurines of gods as well as other sacrifices and gifts?
This achievement helped hold back the flood waters.
3-100A What is a levee?
3-200 What musical instrument was invented in Mesopotamia?
3-200A What is the lyre ?
3-300 This invention helped get water from a river to a canal or ditch.
3-300A What is a shaduf?
3-400 TT This helped bring water to places that needed it.
3-400A What is irrigation?
3-500 The taming of animals is called _____________ and it helped build the economy of Mesopotamia by bringing in more jobs for farmers and shepherds..
3-500A What is domestication?
Name 2 famous kings of Mesopotamia.
4-100A Who are Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar, Sargon, Ashurbanipal, Ur Nammu?
4-200 Rule by a king is called a...
4-200A What is a monarchy ?
4-300 The first set of written laws was called...
4-300A What is Hammurabi’s Code?
4-400 The collection of laws were written on this type of hard stone.
4-400A What isa stelae?
4-500 These people helped keep records and accounts for tax purposes...
4-500A Who are scribes?
True or False: The first coins were developed in Mesopotamia for trading purposes.
5-100A What is False?
5-200 The Mesopotamians originally traded through the use of this system where one product was traded for another of similar value.
5-200A Whatis a barter system?
5-300 Name some jobs in Mesopotamia besides king.
5-300A What are craftsmen, merchants, farmers, fishermen,weavers, metalworkers, potters?
5-400 Important business documents were signed or sealed using this invention.
5-400A What is a cylinder seal?
5-500 This word means that you have more than enough of something…
5-500A What is a surplus?
Name on job in each class: high, middle, low.
6-100A What is… high= king, priest upper middle=scribes, govt. workers middle= craftsmen, merchants, artisans low=farmers, slaves
6-200 The scribes were very important because they learned how to write in...
6-200A What is cuneiform
6-300 King Hammurabi was well known for his laws called “Hammurabi’s Code” which stood for or meant...
6-300A What is “an eye for an eye”?
6-400 Farmers were able to make their job easier by…
6-400A What is domesticating animals?
6-500 True or False: The city-states of Mesopotamia had the same social classes.
6-500A What is True?
Name one job in each social class: high, middle, low.
Let’s see your lists… king, priest scribes merchant, craftsman, artisan farmer, slave
Daily Double Round 1