General purpose cold-formed steel component design software
Cross-Section Capabilities Any cold-formed steel shape, including panels Composite shapes such as back-to-back cees Open and closed shapes, including cylindrical tubes Outside or centerline dimensioning Holes in elements Editing features: cut, copy, paste, insert ribs Section libraries for SSMA, LGSI, and HUD Output geometry to DXF file
Example Sections
Working With Sections Numerous material choices Graphical interface Customize material Convert units with drop-down Cold work of forming option
Section Calculations Full and net section properties using exact integrations Torsional properties calculated using rounded corners Carbon steel design per 2004 AISI North American Specification, as well as 2001 and 1999 Editions Stainless steel design per 2002 ASCE Specification ASD, LRFD, and LSD strengths for tension, compression, bending, and shear Effective section properties at yield stress
Example Output
Design Checks Member check Web-crippling check Strengths based on specified unbraced lengths Axial/bending interaction equations Bending/shear interaction equations Effective section properties at applied loads Web-crippling check Web-crippling strength for unreinforced webs Web-crippling/bending interaction equations
Design Check Dialogs
Analysis Capabilities Analysis problem types Beam-columns Continuous beams Multi-span beams with laps Horizontal, vertical, and torsional supports Discrete bracing and one-flange bracing Axial loads and lateral loads at any angle ASD and LRFD load combinations Member checks and web-crippling checks
Working With Analyses Lapped Members Wind Uplift Load Discrete Braces Top Flange Braced
Analysis Diagrams
Design Check Options Run all load combinations Run current load combination Specify locations to report Add other checkpoints
Example Member Check Design parameters Loads and design strengths Effective section properties Interaction Equations
Elastic Buckling Analysis Finite Strip Method Any shape part Automatic element meshing User-specified stress distribution
Elastic Buckling Profile Local Buckling Panel Buckling Distortional Buckling Torsional- Flexural Buckling
CFS Cold-Formed Steel Component Design Software Download the free “light” version of CFS RSG Software, Inc. 2803 NW Chipman Road Lee’s Summit, MO 64081