HIAs and the Preventative Agenda Malcolm Ramsay Policy Manager - Foundations
Foundations National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) ODPM-funded to promote, support and develop the HIA sector Tel
HIAs and the Preventative Agenda Home Improvement Agencies Demand for HIA services Preventative services provided by HIAs Future direction of HIAs
Home Improvement Agencies Small, not-for-profit organisations By March 2006 there will be 180 HIAs serving 318 out of 354 local authority areas Provide advice, support and assistance to older, disabled and vulnerable people, primarily owner occupiers Help to repair, improve, maintain or adapt homes to meet changing needs Provide a wide range of additional property- related low-level support services
Demand for HIA services Over next 40 years, numbers aged to increase by 50% and numbers over 85 to increase by 100% 72% of year olds and 61% of over 85 are owner occupiers and these percentages are still increasing Older owner-occupiers – 5.7 million and growing – 11 times the number in extra care and sheltered housing
Demand for HIA services Regulatory Reform Order (2002) has led to reduced grant availability Equity Release products and their take up is still less than hoped for 200,000 enquiries dealt with by HIAs in 2004 130,000 jobs completed and £95m worth of work undertaken
Preventative Services offered by HIAs Falls and Accident Prevention Energy Efficiency Handyperson/Hospital Discharge Small repairs Housing options:“Should I stay or should I go?” Gardening Home security “Core” HIA service has preventative purpose
Falls & Accident Prevention 4,800 deaths caused by falls 650,000 visits to A&E and more than 204,000 admissions A simple wrist fracture costs £500 for emergency care Accidental falls among the elderly cost nearly £1 billion each year
Falls & Accident Prevention Blackpool Care & Repair Specialist Falls Prevention Team Risk assessment carried out by Falls Prevention Officer – Home Safety Check Necessary items installed by Handyperson, trained by an Occupational Therapist
Falls & Accident Prevention “After having the banister rails fitted…I can now go up and downstairs in a dignified manner as opposed to on hands and knees” (client of Blackpool Care & Repair)
Energy Efficiency Exposure to cold is estimated to cause 30,000 deaths a year in the UK Substantial public health benefits by improving thermal efficiency of dwellings and affordability of heating them
Energy Efficiency HIA caseworkers identify “at risk” properties during initial assessment visit Arrange for insulation and upgraded heating through various grant schemes, e.g. Warmfront, local authority grants Pass on fuel efficiency advice as matter of course
Handyperson/Hospital Discharge Handyperson -Wide-ranging: Prevents falls, aids hospital discharge, provides security measures, carries out minor repairs & adaptations Hospital Discharge -Prevents re-admission to hospital by making home suitable
Handyperson Schemes “A visit, followed by a referral to Care and Repair in the space of two days meant that the necessary stair-rail was fitted most efficiently and my wife was able to be discharged the next day” (client of Northampton Care & Repair)
Bury Home from Hospital Scheme
Future direction of HIAs Cross Tenure services Adaptations Small Repairs/Handyperson Diversification of services Health-related outcomes Consolidation of the sector Area based HIAs Social Enterprise model