Unit 8 Vocabulary
Unit 8A: Symptoms Ache: a dull (not sharp) or continuous pain Hacking cough: a bad cough that has a strong, rough noise and sounds like you are having difficulty coughing High temperature: when the temperature of your body is higher than normal (for example: 39 degrees!) Rash: an area of redder than normal skin Run-down: you feel less well than usual and have less energy than you normally do.
Unit 8A: Symptoms Runny nose: a nose that drips liquid Sore Throat: when your throat hurts Stiff muscles: your muscles feel sore and you can’t move your body as easily as normal Throbbing headache: strong pain in your head that comes and goes in a rhythm, with a thumping feeling Upset stomach: you feel sick because of something you have eaten or because you are ill.
3. Work in pairs. Match the sentences 1-9 to the situations a-c. 1. C (or b) 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C (or b) 7. A 8. C 9. b
Match the adjectives with the nouns to describe symptoms 1. Hacking 2. Runny 3. High 4. Throbbing 5. Stiff 6. upset a) Stomach b) Temperature c) Cough d) Muscles e) Nose f) headache
Unit 8B: Bill of Health
Speaking & Vocabulary: health idioms 1, 8, 7, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2
2. Replace the words in italics in exercise 1 with the phrases below. 1. At death’s door 2. Killing me 3. Going down w/ sth (AE: coming down w/ sth) 4. There was a bug going around 5. Gave me a clean bill of health 6. In good shape
3. Work in pairs. Turn to page 143 and do the quiz.
8B: Health Idioms 1. At death’s door: you are near death. This is often used to talk about how people look. When we saw her she was so pale. She looked at death’s door.
8B: Health Idioms 2. There’s a bug going around: there is a very infectious illness in your office, school, community, etc, and a lot of people are becoming sick. A: Where is everyone? I thought there were ten people in this office? B: Yes. There’s a bug going around.
8B: Health Idioms 3. Give (sb) a clean bill of health: you are completely well and have no medical problems. I went to the doctor yesterday because I was feeling sick, but she gave me a clean bill of health, so I guess I am okay.
8B: Health Idioms 4. Go down with (sth): You are in the early stages of an illness. You can go down with a cold, flu, an infection, etc. Often there is some uncertainty about whether one is really ill or not. I think I’m going down with the flu.
8B: Health Idioms 5. In good shape: You are very fit and healthy. Mark is in good shape because he goes to the gym everyday.
8B: Health Idioms 6. My back was killing me: my back is so painful that I can hardly stand it. Other parts of your body and some illnesses can also be used with this expression. I couldn’t go to school yesterday because my back was killing me.
Listening, Page Consultation 2. Stroke 3. Diagnosis 4. Migraine 5. Compensation
Listening, Page Deliver babies 2. Eight billion pounds 3. Millions 4. Errors 5. Impossible 6. Worrying over
8C: Alternative Therapies
Unit 8C: Alternative Therapies 1. Acupuncture 2. Color therapy 3. Reflexology 4. Aromatherapy 5. Hypnosis 6. Tai chi
Color Therapy
Tai Chi
8D: Back Pain
Unit 8D: Phrasal Verbs with Objects 1. Get back to (sb): you will phone/write them back 2. Put up with (sb/sth): you talk/work with them patiently even though you don’t like them 3. Put (sth) off: you postpone it or do it late
Unit 8D: Phrasal Verbs with Objects 4. Put (sb) up to (sth): actively encourage someone to do something dangerous, illegal, or stupid 5. Sort (sth) out: the thing with solve itself (or go away) and doesn’t need further work from you 6. Tell (sb) off: you criticize them and say that they did something wrong
Unit 8D: Changing the subject 1. Anyways, as I was saying… 2. As for… 3. By the way… 4. Come to think of it… 5. Talking of… 6. That reminds me…
Anyways, as I was saying… a way that a speaker can go back to a subject they were talking about earlier. This is often used when a speaker feels that other people have changed the subject. A: I don’t think that our policy on Africa is having any success. B: That reminds me. I had a lovely holiday in Tanzania last year. The wildlife was… A: Anyway, as I was saying, I think we need to look again at Africa.
As for… To introduce a new subject that has some connection to the current topic
By the way… Used to introduce an extra piece of information that may not be completely relevant or follow the main line of argument. In text messages, people usually use btw to mean by the way
Come to think of it… Used for adding a new item of information that you have just thought of. It means something like “I have suddenly thought of something connected to what I just said.”
Talking/Speaking of… Used to introduce a change of subject that is still related to the current topic. Speakers often use this expression as a way of helping a conversation to move smoothly on to a new topic while making it sound as if everything is linked.
That reminds me… Used to introduce a change in the subject of the conversation. It appears to make a direct link between what the previous speaker has been talking about and the new subject. Sometimes the speaking is just using this as an excuse to change the topics.