A paradigm shift in Supply Chain Management Semantic Web and the User Centric Supply Chain Kylie Armstrong Program Director – Next Generation Spatial infrastructures – CRCSI/Landgate
Moving from … Supply driven supply chains To… Complex Demand driven supply chains Acquire & Maintain PublishDiscover Access & Deliver Query & Orchestration PresentationNotifyFeedback
Other Industries are moving forward
Customer is in Control
Moving Forward
What is Next? SIs in five years
Small Steps V Step Change
Current Issues with Supply Chains Delivering Data Lack of Automation Poor Horizontal Integration Lack of Vertical Integration Lack of trust when integrating Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) Supply side driven Difficulty for organisations to utilise the semantic web and artificial intelligence (AI) Feedback loops (What feedback loops??)
Is this your building?
Linking Jurisdictional Data
Natural Boundaries forever changing
Crowd Source Dilemma
Supply Chain Research This research will allow you to: Integrate disparate and complex multiple supply chains Deal with currency, provenance and versioning of spatial data Link data and processes vertically and horizontally e.g. from LGAs up to the Commonwealth and across different datasets Integrate crowd sourcing into supply chains and combine with authoritative data?
So what Step Changes need to be made?
Step Change Client is able to access what they want and how they want it Integrate solutions within existing infrastructure while not being constrained by current capability Build intelligent automated processes and services that can be used anywhere along the supply chain VGI will be the norm at all points along the Supply Chain Linking Data to stream line supply chains …..
For more information and to be part of the change please or call me