Finding your focus Start with a general topic, then narrow to something manageable Examine from one angle or perspective Summarize in one sentence
Finding your thesis A thesis statement is a single sentence that identifies your central idea Express what you want to explore or explain in your essay It sets the tone and direction for your writing
What is a thesis? A manageable topic + A specific claim. An effective thesis statement
Finding the thesis Bicycles Dangers of bike riding Recreation Recreational vehicles Bike riding in the city is a dangerous activity
Finding the thesis Retail companies Supermarkets Dealing with customers Working in a supermarket I’ve learned how to handle unpleasant supermarket customers.
Avoid ‘announcements’ Stay away from statements like: The subject of this paper will be my parents.
Avoid ‘announcements’ Stay away from statements like: The subject of this paper will be my parents. Instead, try statements like: My parents each struggled with personal demons.
Avoid ‘announcements’ Stay away from statements like: I want to talk about the time I missed the game-winning goal.
Avoid ‘announcements’ Instead, try statements like: On the day I missed the game-winning goal, I found out something important about myself.
Avoid general statements Stay away from general statements like: Insects are fascinating creatures.
Avoid general statements Stay away from general statements like: Insects are fascinating creatures. Instead, try to be specific: Strength, organization, and communication make the ant one of nature’s most successful insects.
A thesis statement is not A title An announcement A statement of fact
A thesis statement is not A title: Speaking Out
A thesis statement is not A title: Speaking Out An announcement: This essay will discuss a time when I could have spoken out but did not.
A thesis statement is not A title: Speaking Out An announcement: This essay will discuss a time when I could have spoken out but did not. A statement of fact: Once I saw someone cheating and did not speak out.
Try this: Thesis: As I look back at the cheating I witnessed, I wonder why I kept silent and what would have happened if I had acted.