ITEP Ion Experiment GEANT3 Simulation Boris Zagreev ITEP, 19 November 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

ITEP Ion Experiment GEANT3 Simulation Boris Zagreev ITEP, 19 November 2003

GEANT3 based on ROOT ● PAW -> ROOT (see ● C++ interface ● Virtual Monte-Carlo: GEANT3, GEANT4, FLUKA etc.


Установка в GEANT3

Occupancy & spectra at the first (solid) and the last (dashed) tracking plane. B=1T, T=0.8 GeV*A All ~3 part./event at the first plane Charged ~1 part./event at the first plane

Occupancy & spectra at the first (solid) and the last (dashed) tracking plane. B=1.5T, T=0.8 GeV*A All ~3 part./event at the first plane Charged ~1 part./event at the first plane

Occupancy & spectra at the first (solid) and the last (dashed) tracking plane. B=1T, T=2.1 GeV*A All ~3 part./event at the first plane Charged ~1 part./event at the first plane

Occupancy & spectra at the first (solid) and the last (dashed) tracking plane. B=1.5T, T=2.1 GeV*A All ~3 part./event at the first plane Charged ~1 part./event at the first plane

Occupancy & spectra at the first (solid) and the last (dashed) tracking plane. B=1T, T=3.66 GeV*A All ~3 part./event at the first plane Charged ~1 part./event at the first plane

Occupancy & spectra at the first (solid) and the last (dashed) tracking plane. B=1.5T, T=3.66 GeV*A All ~3 part./event at the first plane Charged ~1 part./event at the first plane

Occupancy & spectra at the forward calorimeter, T=0.8 GeV*A All ~9 part./event Charged ~4 part./event

Occupancy & spectra at the forward calorimeter, T=2.1 GeV*A All ~11 part./event Charged ~5 part./event

Occupancy & spectra at the forward calorimeter, T=3.66 GeV*A All ~12 part./event Charged ~6 part./event

Generator distribution

Заключение ● Поток заряженных частиц через первую плоскость камер ~1/(32x32) cm  10 cm ● Поток заряженных частиц через последнюю плоскость камер более чем на порядок меньше. ● Через передний калориметер проходит ~10 частиц за событие при энергии налетающего ядра углерода от 0.8 до 3.66 GeV/c. -3-2