User Group Meeting November 12 th 2015. Welcome VQManager VQManager Enhancements.


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Presentation transcript:

User Group Meeting November 12 th 2015


VQManager VQManager Enhancements

VQManager Security Enhancements

VQManager New password meter We have changed our password strength meter to make it clearer for users when they have selected a more secure password. As you type, the various requirements change from red to green as they are met.

VQManager Learner Enhancements

VQManager Learner “My progress summary” accurate forecasting Previously in this area all bars were green regardless of whether the learner was on target or not. We have developed this area so that the learner progress bars are green when on target, red when off target and grey when the status is unknown If the target end date for the qualification has been set as the same as the qualification’s start date, or if no target end date is selected for each of the units, these bars will remain grey as the exact status is unknown. To enable the unit end date function (free) please let either Kari or Jo know. The assessor adds the unit target end date at the point of assigning units on the “Unit assignment” tab.

VQManager Allow archived and disabled learner to see own account as 'view only‘ After a learner completes their qualification(s) it is now possible for the learner to continue to access their e-portfolio using their username and password even if the centre has archived or disabled their profile. This access is a view only access so they are not able to make changes or amendments to their e-portfolio. These learners do not appear on assessor, IQA or CA reports.

VQManager notification to learners of assessed evidence We have added to option for learners to receive notification when evidence has been assessed and also when a unit or a qualification has been signed off. Learners will need to opt in to this service, and s are sent out once per week. In Personal Details, scroll to the bottom, check the address is correct, and use the drop down selector to select a day to receive the for each type of message.

VQManager Add declaration to learner evidence For evidence submitted or edited by the learner we have added a new declaration. This declaration reads: By submitting this evidence for assessment, I confirm that it is the result of my own work.

VQManager Assessor Enhancements

VQManager Make trainee assessor comments visible in assessment plans Comments made by both trainee and qualified assessors are now pulled through into the Evidence Comments section of the assessment plans. Previously, only qualified assessor comments would show. Note that comments in evidence made in the ‘Qualified assessor comments to trainee’ box will not show here. Only comments intended to be visible to the learner will show.

VQManager Character limit in Summary Evidence Description The Summary Evidence Description box in evidence now shows a limit of 80 characters, with a counter in the bottom right. This is to prevent users breaking the form by trying to type too much into this box.

VQManager Ability to upload ad hoc documents to assessment plans Assessors are now able to add documents directly to assessment plans, without uploading them to the File Library first. This option is only available after the assessment plan has been assigned to the learner. Assessors will need to click on My Learners and the Assessment Plans tab, select the learner in the drop-down at the top of the page, and select the Assessment Plan using the radio buttons. They should then click on ‘Edit assessment plan’ at the bottom of the page. In the plan, there is a new section for files uploaded specifically to this plan for this learner, and also a section that allows the assessor to browse and add files.

VQManager Twisties on To Do and Info pages To make the To Do and Info pages easier to manage, we have added twisties to all tables for all users. This means the tables can be rolled up or opened out as you choose.

VQManager Curriculum Area and Employer in Qualification Tracker report We have added Curriculum Area and Employer selectors to the Qualification Tracker report.

VQManager ‘Open all’ option in qual tree Alongside other options, there is now an option to open all criteria when logging evidence.

VQManager Signing off multiple units at once We have added an option to sign off multiple units at once. This is available for assessors only. In the Unit Status, Evidence Matrix and Sign Off tab, there is a new button under the qualification header. Clicking on this opens a new page. Here, you can select the units you want to sign off, add a summative assessment comment and request learner confirmation. Note that the same comment and confirmation option will be applied to all of the units you have selected.

VQManager Making Activity Logs editable We have now made the activity logs editable. Scroll down the page and there is an audit trail area which has captured all the edits users made to that activity log. The pop up now includes a box above indicating what changes were made on that particular edit and by whom. Deleted items are highlighted in red and additions are highlighted in green.

VQManager Unit Status Tab, sign off name On the Unit status, evidence matrix and signoff tab, when you roll over the date in the below view the name of the assessor or IQA signing off the unit appears.

VQManager Warning not to exceed 4000 characters We have added a warning sign next to the following two places, “Log evidence” tab, “Description of evidence” box and “Create Assessment/Activity plan templates” in the “Notes” area. If you are intending to add more text here we suggest you create it on a Word document and then attach the file to the evidence or assessment plan. We have also implemented a character count function, so the assessors/learners will be able to see how many characters they have left as they go along, and when they have hit the limit.

VQManager Add links directly to assessment plans from Info list We have added a link in the assessment plan/activity plan table to allow the assessor to select and edit the plan from the ToDo page. Previously you had to go to the assessment plan page and then find the relevant plan before opening and editing it. This is also available to learners with an option to view the assessment plan/activity plan from their Info page.

VQManager Add drop-down to Evidence List to filter by evidence method On the Evidence List tab an extra filter has been added to allow the user to sort by evidence method. This function does not affect any evidence in the "Deleted items" group which appears at the bottom of this page.

VQManager Processing s into Progress Reviews s sent to appear on the To Do list. These can now be processed into a new Progress Review, or added to an existing Progress If you select ‘New Progress Review’, a new page opens for you to select the learner and complete the Progress Review. Complete the form and click ‘save’ at the bottom. If you select ‘Existing Progress Review’, the page asks you to select the learner and the review you want to add to. Complete the form in the same way and click ‘save’ at the bottom.

VQManager Preventing further evidence being added when an IQA has signed off a unit After an IQA has signed off a unit, the system will now prevent further evidence being mapped against this unit. The criteria will be greyed out in the qual tree:

VQManager IQA Enhancements

VQManager ‘Planned to sample’ notification to Units Signed Off in last 30 days for IQA There is a new ‘outstanding sampling’ column in this table, showing the date from the sampling plan. [PG1]

VQManager Add IQA summative assessment box to qual sign off page We have added a field for the IQA so they are now able to leave comments at qualification sign off. Previously, there was just a box to tick to sign the unit off, but no opportunity to leave comments for the assessor.

VQManager Sampling plan zoom out function We have added the ability to see a larger sampling plan view. Click on the “world” icon in the top right hand corner of each unit to activate the zoom out. By clicking in a specific cell the pop up will close and you will be taken directly to that cell.

VQManager Sampling plan - show qual start and end dates The sampling plan has had the learner qualification start and end dates added to it. They are located underneath the candidate’s name.

VQManager Additional colours for sampling plan The sampling plan now has different colours for interim versus final sampling. There is a third colour for situations where neither interim nor final has been selected.

VQManager Learner personal details visible to IQA The learner personal details tab has been added to the IQA interface. It can be located in the “Verify” top tab and the “Learner personal details” subtab.

VQManager IV Reports requiring assessor confirmation to appear on ToDo page Previously IQA reports which required assessor confirmation appeared in the Info tab. This has been rectified and they now appear in the assessor’s ToDo tab. The table is visible even if there aren’t any reports less than 30 days old to allow the “show all IQA reports” option to work.

VQManager Unit sign off to appear on IQA To Do list, rather than Info When a unit has been signed off, the table indicating this now appears in the ToDo tab rather than the Info tab.

VQManager IQA - Roll up units/quals signed off in last 30 days We have added a twistie to the 'units / quals signed off in last 30 days' table on the Info table. This will allow you to minimise it if this area has become too long. Click on the title and the table opens or closes.

VQManager Centre Admin Enhancements

VQManager Centre Administrator bulk re-allocate tool When an assessor leaves an organisation, there is often a need to re- allocate all of their learners to a new assessor. At present, this has to be done one learner at a time. We have created a new interface for the centre admin that allows re- allocation learner to not only assessors but to other user sets as well. We have also created an area to change many learner’s status in bulk too. It is located in “Users” top tab and “Bulk edit” subtab.

VQManager File Librarian role We have created a new role in VQManager, which is File Librarian. This allows for the creation of a shared log in for uploading and sharing files with users. Previously, File Librarians have been set up as Centre Admins, with all the attendant access of that role, which presents a security risk when the log in is shared between several users. Existing File Librarian log ins will be converted to the new user type. If you’d like a new File Librarian login set up, please contact SkillWise.

VQManager Removing archived and disabled assessors from IQA user profile Archived and disabled assessors will no longer appear in the ‘IQA associate with assessors’ list in the IQA user profile. The list will show active assessors only. This is to prevent confusion in this area.

VQManager Select all / deselect all in File Library For Centre Admins sharing File Library files, we have added a ‘Select all / Deselect all’ option. This should make it easier to manage file sharing with large lists of users.

VQManager Add a home page table to tell CA when a qual has been signed off We have added a new ToDo tab in the Centre Admin area. In this tab, a table shows qualifications that have been signed off by an assessor. It includes a 'Remove' column to allow the CA to hide entries from view once any action has been completed; for example, starting the certification process. (The remove option is non-reversible). It defaults to 'last 30 days', but offers an option to show all.

VQManager Centre Admins to be able to see other Centre Admins and Org Admins in User List Centre Admins can now see all other centre admins and org admins in their centre (including themselves) in the User list. This is view only – it’s not possible to change the status or edit the details of any Admin user. The usernames and passwords are hidden for security reasons.

Not able to develop Link the IQA to specific learners and/or specific quals (esp. in the case where the learners of one assessor are IQA'd by different IQAs) to prevent very large lists in the info tab Sending an to authenticate evidence - can it also have evidence attached? Create an ILP that automatically draws live data from VQManager VQManager

Not developed - unpopular On learner name drop-down, can we have first name / surname as an alternative to surname / first name Apply multiple assessment plans to a learner or learners at once Delete multiple assessment plans in bulk VQManager

Not developed due to time constraints EQA view - see all learners that they have requested to see, whether they have been archived or not. Avoid need to temporarily de-archive. Add range to gap analysis Assessor activity log - can we total the number of hours recorded (esp. for CPD info) Trainee IQAs, add a facility for trainee IQAs to parallel trainee assessors VQManager When IQA returns evidence to assessor, highlight the criteria that they're unhappy with. Same for criteria claimed erroneously, or criteria that should have been claimed and were not Developments to combine with dashboard development IQA to be able to see a grouped view of outstanding assessment plans, by assessor The IQA to be able to see the number of items in limbo between trainee and qualified assessor, in progress but awaiting the qualified assessor's sign-off

New development requests and dashboard development VQManager

Lunch! VQManager


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VQManager Thank you