The Politics of Energy The Politics of Energy -Week (Part 1) Basic Concepts & Sources Lecturer: Assoc.Prof.Emre İşeri
Outline 1)Perspectives/Basic Concepts 2) Hydrocarbons (Non-Renewables) 2) Alternatives
Perspectives on Energy Political: Realism, geopolitical, political liberalism, socialism Economic: Neoliberal/Free market economics vs. regulated markets Enviromental: Mainstream/moderate vs. radical
Definition Assurance of the ability to access the energy resources required for the continued development of national power. Kalicki & Goldwyn, 2005, 9
Short vs. Long Term Energy Security Risks (C.Egenhofer, Short-term: Supply shortages due to accidents, terrorist attacks, technical failure, etc. Long-term: Absence of infrastructure/framework for creating strategic security against major risks such as non-delivery due to political and/or economic reasons.
Components of Energy Security Reliability Affordability Friendliness to the Enviroment (Ideally)
States’ techniques to ensure their energy security Diversity of sources Diversity of suppliers (procurment) Storing reserve fuel supplies Maintaning competitive energy market
Diversity of Sources
Diversity of Supplies (Procurment diversification)
Strategic Reserve
Energy Markets
Critical Energy Infrastructure Security
Strait of Hormuz
Strait of Malacca
The Suez Canal
Turkish Straits
November 15, Romanian-registered tanker M/T Independenţa collided with Greek freighter M/V Evriali at Haydarpaşa Point and exploded. 42 people died on the tanker. 94,600 tons of crude oil spilled and the following fire lasted weeks
The Arctic as the ‘Suez of the north.’ ?
Global Energy Shifts
Two Trends of Production/Consumption Technology Price
Types of Energy Data Proven reserve Estimated or Potential reserve
To be continued with energy sources