Dialect /map.html
I. Definition Definition – dialect – a ____________ form used in a ____________________ area of the country ▫There are ____________________ dialects in the United States ▫We live in the ____________________ ____________________ dialect area.
II. Differences which occur among dialects __________ ___ __________ __________ (word choice) __________
III. Social dialect – way of speaking due to social group __________ (word choice) __________
IV. Idiolect – an individual’s way of speaking __________ (word choice) __________ RATE
V. Accent – way a person speaks English when it is not his/her first language (not the same as dialect)
VI. Types of English English – language reserved for special occasions (speeches, writing) English – everyday language which follows basic grammar rules English – way of speaking due to not knowing how to speak correct English (lack of education) Accents