The Principle and Checkpoint Analyzed Principle 1. Provide Multiple Means of Representation Checkpoint 1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information Many students learn best in a classroom setting when they can visually see information, see the SMART board/white board, write down the notes, and look at the words or pictures. Teachers should make sure to included visual representation in their lesson plan to ensure visual learners understand the content being covered. Using pictures, animations, or text are a few ways to reach visual learners. Also, the teacher should not just focus on visual representation when planning lessons but also consider other learning styles for those students who are not visual learners.
Example or Resource Selected, The Age Group intended for, and the content area it covers “Voki is text to speech generator that allows the user to create a personal speaking avatar that can be embedded in a website”(Voki,2015). The site offers a high level of customization ranging from the overall look of the Voki to the sound of its voice”(Voki,2015). Age Group: All ages Content Area: All content Cost: Free Technology Involved: Internet connection ( National Center on UDL,n.d)
How It Works “Voki is creative, easy-to-use tool that helps motivate students and improves lesson comprehension and student participation”(Voki,2015). Once the teacher was set up classes and assignments, students can immediately access their Voki assignments and begin creating their Vokis avatar. It’s simple for students to get started creating their Voki avatar. “Using the simple interface, customize their look; choose their head, clothes, and accessories. Then they give their character a voice by recording with a microphone, using our dial-in number, or uploading an audio file ”(Voki,2015).
How It Works Students can be creative when doing a project, classwork, or homework. Voki can be used to give a reflection on a assignment, practice writing, or to give a presentation. This program can be access on the computer or iPad. Voki also offers Voki Classroom and Voki Presenter. Voki Classroom is designed to enhance the way teachers manage their students’ assignments. Voki presenter is where teachers can communicate their lessons in a new exciting way. (Voki, 2015)
How this resource might be used effectively in your current classroom or your future practice. I would encourage students use this program on their classwork, homework, or projects. I like that Voki keeps the students motivated and engaged in assignments. For instance, if the class has a presentation to give. I can give students the options to turn in their project using Voki. When using Voki, it would be easy for me to assess and give immediate feedback on task.
Reference National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (n.d.). UDL guidelines - version 2.0: Examples and resources. Retrieved from guidelines - version 2.0: Examples and resources Voki. (2015). Voki. Retrieved from