Be brave, believe, be brilliant, be your best
The Foundation Stage is a very special time in your child’s education – it is here that the building blocks are first lain. At Oasis Academy Connaught learning will be a mixture of adult led and child centred based on the sharing of high quality books. Children will bring home a reading book, homework and sets of key words – frequent newsletters will keep you informed of topics being covered. Be brave, believe, be brilliant, be your best
Navy polo shirt (plain) Navy sweatshirt with the school logo Grey or black trousers/shorts/skirt or pinafore Blue gingham dress (summer uniform) Black shoes Each child will also be expected to have an Academy book bag that they will bring to the Academy each day Dark tracksuit trousers and blue sports shirt
7.30 Breakfast Club 8.30 Academy doors open 8.40 Academy Day starts Lunch 3.00 Home time Be brave, believe, be brilliant, be your best
Can your child : Put their coat on and take it off independently? Toilet themselves appropriately? Use a knife and fork correctly? Recognise and write their name? Count to 10 and beyond? Recognise some numbers? Name the colours?
Be brave, believe, be brilliant, be your best During the year your child will be working towards what is call Good Level of Development. Throughout the year the teachers will support your child meet all the areas they need to achieve in a variety of ways. The areas include Social skills, Physical Development, communication and language as well as reading, writing and maths.
Be brave, believe, be brilliant, be your best The first two weeks are staggered in order that the teachers can arrange meetings with families and sometimes do home visits especially for those who have not attended our nursery. WEEK 1: all children until WEEK 2: all children until 1pm so they will have school dinner WEEK 3: All in full time.