Some bibliometric data on S&T output of Vietnam from Web of Science Cao Minh Kiem, M.Sc National Agency for S&T Information (NASATI), Vietnam
Background information Bibliometrics is one of measures to evaluate the productivity of S&T activities Bibliometrics is a type of S&T statistical indicators (Okubo, Y. (1997). OECD manual on bibliometrics) Vietnam S&T community has been interested in the numbers of Vietnamese S&T articles published in international journals for many years Because of shortage of information resources, the research on the Vietnamese S&T output published in international journals started about ten years ago: Phạm Duy Hiển (2007). Diện mạo khoa học Việt nam qua những công bố quốc tế (Vietnam’s S&T image through the number of international publications by Vietnamese). Tia sáng, 2007, no.11, pp Nguyễn Văn Tuấn (2008). Nhìn lại hoạt động khoa học ở Việt Nam qua các ấn phẩm khoa học quốc tế. (A look at Vietnamese S&T activities through international journals articles) TC Hoạt động khoa học, 2008, số 1, tr ,35. Cao Minh Kiem (2011). Vietnamese S&T publications during period TC Hoat dong khoa hoc, no.2/2011.
Bibliometrics is included in national S&T statistical indicators system NASATI developed the National S&T statistical indicators system. The system is approved by MOST in 2015 (Circular No. 14/2015/TT-BKHCN dated 19 August 2015) Bibliometrics indicators: 08. S&T publications 0801 – Number of S&T articles published in S&T journals (domestic and international) Number of S&T monographs published 0803 – Citations of Vietnamese S&T journals articles Data sources: Database on Vietnamese S&T documents published in Vietnam Web of Science for articles published in international journals Data are published in book “Vietnam’s Science and Technology”
Vietnamese S&T publications from WoS
Articles by Vietnamese authors only Publication YearsNumber of records About 70-80% papers are produced with international cooperations
Data from Scopus Documents % International Collaboration % Region% World 20112, , , , Sources:
Vietnamese publications by subjects
International comparision
Problems of data analysis We have no facilities/tools to do more in dept analysis Have no tool for data normalization: Author affiliations are experessed in different forms: Author names are difficult to be recognized by Vietnamese VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY1535 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HANOI 1015 VIETNAM NATL UNIV 57 VNU UNIV SCI 64 UNIV SCI 130