WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Coordination.


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Presentation transcript:

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Coordination meeting Coventry, Jun, 2016 – Coordination of activities related to WP3 – Olivera Mijatovic Head of Department for International Cooperation :

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 5W + 1H - Proposed methodology for tasks defining, progress monitoring and results evaluation

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 5W + 1HDescription WHAT What should be done, activities WHY Deliverables, outcomes and results defined in project application, type, numbers, etc. WHEN Due dates, timeline, plans, delays, etc. WHERE Location, institutional levels of engagement WHO Institutions and persons in charge for organization, realization, monitoring, reporting, etc. HOW Methodology for organization and realization, responsibilities

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Outcome 3.1. Researchers trained on C&C and HRS4R

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.1 Training of WBC researchers concerning the role and significance of C&C and HRS4R WHAT One-day seminar will be organized with the objective of raising awareness of the WBC researchers concerning the role and significance of C&C and HRS4R. WHY Outcome 3.1. Researchers trained on C&C and HRS4R 900 researchers in total – 100 per WBC university!!! WHEN  Initial due date:  Newly proposed due date:  Definition of responsible persons:  Initial program and content of seminar:  Final program and joint presentations:  Seminars realization: during October 2016.

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.1 Training of WBC researchers concerning the role and significance of C&C and HRS4R WHERE At each WBC university. Remark: Probably just one seminar per university will not be enough (100 participant, hard to organize and manage), so at least two terms should be planed WHO Seminar need to be realized by WBC C&C experts (university staff informed on C&C and HRS4R). Each university should define such persons HOW UNI will propose program, content and prepare initial training material (PPT presentations) Responsible persons will contribute and accept FINAL JOINT PRESENTATIONS and TRAINING MATERIAL UKG will manage coordination and reporting on progress in realization

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Outcome 3.2. Webpages offer opportunity links

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.2 Creating and updating of databases and web sites for better transparency and information flow WHAT Universities web pages update for increase transparency of research opportunities Researchers’ basic info databases preparation. WHY Outcome 3.2. Web pages offer opportunity links University web pages as a central portal for researchers opportunities information Researchers basic information’s database creation WHEN  Due date: (continual activity)  Definition of responsible persons at each WBC university:  Researchers database format acceptance:  Initial researchers database:  Report on university web page content:

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.2 Creating and updating of databases and web sites for better transparency and information flow WHERE At each WBC university. University and faculties IT Centres WHO Responsible persons from each WBC university (generally IT experts responsible for university and faculties web pages) HOW UBG & UKG IT experts will define researchers database format (basic personal and contact info in easy to share and search format) Responsible persons at each university will start to collect data and prepare date bases. UKG will manage coordination and reporting on progress in realization

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Outcome 3.3. Young researchers trained on research methodology

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Outcome 3.4. Young researchers trained in various skills

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Outcome 3.5. Training on teaching methodology

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.3, 3.4 & 3.5 TRAININGS FOR RESEARCHERS AND JUNIOR TEACHING STAFF WHAT Set of two-day seminars for researchers and junior teaching staff will be organized with various subjects (research methodology, teaching methodology, project management, paper writing, ethics, communication, etc. WHY Outcome 3.3, 3.4 & 3.5 Trained researcher & teach. staff researchers & 1800 junior teaching staff in total – researchers & 200 teaching staff per WBC university!!! WHEN  Initial due dates: to  Definition of responsible persons for preparation of program and training material:  Initial program and content of seminars:  Seminars realization: from November 2016

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.3, 3.4 & 3.5 TRAININGS FOR RESEARCHERS AND JUNIOR TEACHING STAFF WHERE At each WBC university. Remark: Each university should try to schedule at least one training term in 2016 and at least two terms in and in order to ensure defined outcomes WHO Seminar need to be realized by university senior teaching staff. Each university should define such persons HOW Each partner university should propose LIST OF SUBJECTS and THEMES for seminars. Upon selection of subjects and content, joint and unique training program for seminars should be defined. Responsible persons from each university will contribute and accept FINAL JOINT PRESENTATIONS and TRAINING MATERIAL.

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Outcome 3.6. Pilot Mentoring system introduced

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.6. Developing Pilot Mentoring system for newly promoted assistant professors WHAT Development, introduction and testing of pilot mentoring system at least one faculty at each university WHY Outcome 3.6. Pilot mentoring system Number of involved staff per each university should be defined (pilot program – few Ass. Prof. should be enough) WHEN  Due date:  Definition of faculty responsible for this activity:  Initial program of Pilot Mentoring system:

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.6. Developing Pilot Mentoring system for newly promoted assistant professors WHERE At one faculty at each partner university. WHO Responsible persons from each WBC university (generally IT experts responsible for university and faculties web pages) HOW UNI should propose framework of pilot mentoring system UBG, UNS & USA should define program UKG will manage coordination and reporting on progress in realization

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Outcome 3.8. Guide book published

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.8. Preparing of guide book for young researchers WHAT Preparation and publishing of joint guide book for researchers WHY Outcome 3.8. Guide book published WHEN  Due date:  Proposal of titles and content book chapters:  Acceptance of book content:  Definition of responsible university per each chapter:  Finalization of book writing:  Review and book publishing: January to April 2018.

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) 3.8. Preparing of guide book for young researchers WHERE - WHO Each partner university will be responsible for, more/less, one book chapter. UNI will be responsible for review, printing and publishing HOW Each university should propose content and also express their intention in subject (book chapter) they would like to be in charge for preparation UKG will define technical details and instructions for book writing

WP3: Excellent researchers for the community Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia (IF4TM) Thank you for your attention University of Kragujevac for coordination of activities on WP3: