Welcome to our Open Day
Celebrating our Successes Maintaining our high levels of attainment - including our best maths results for years and doubling the number of children achieving the very highest level
Last year we continued to improve the level at which we compete-reaching County Level in 8 different areas (indoor athletics, individual table tennis, team table tennis, basketball, netball, quad kids, girls cricket and boys cricket). And so it continues … PE and Sports
Music and Creative Arts
New national assessment arrangements
How will attainment be reported? Working towards age related (Year 6) expectations Achieved age related (Year 6) expectations Exceeded age related (Year 6) expectations
Mathematics Arithmetic Reasoning What is being tested? English Reading Spelling, punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Writing is teacher assessed. (Our Writing procedures were moderated last year.
St Mary’s Assessment Arrangements
‘By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.’ National Curriculum (2014) For teachers this means: A simple question? At each “Milestone” assessment, is the pupil on track to reach the performance standard for the end of that year? For us these milestones are: December, February, April and July
Mastery learning The model we have adopted expects that children will deepen their grasp of key ideas, over time, rather than move on and leave gaps behind Through being well taught and given curriculum opportunities they will develop and demonstrate their resourcefulness and versatility, (in an age appropriate way) This will be evident in their capacity to applying their knowledge, skills and understanding with (sufficient): – Fluency over time – Independence – Resilience to deal with complexity and new contexts This does not mean that all pupils achieve the same degree of mastery… but it is at least sufficient, so that they can make successful progress through the fundamental ideas. They will be ready for the next year’s learning
What might these ideas mean in the context of learning? Fluency over time? Independence? Resilience to deal with complexity and new contexts? Apprentice- 9 weeks+ Competent- 18+ weeks builds on ideas initially developed at the Apprentice stage Expert- 27 weeks + builds on Competence and achieves sufficient mastery for next year’s work
A Phased Approach Phase 1 objectives are the building blocks for a child’s learning that year All children need firm foundations on which to build their learning A child’s learning needs to be a solid structure which will not crumble Recognise and show fractions, using diagrams e.g. fractions walls and number lines Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places. Year 4 Example - fractions
Time for a Look Around Please don’t miss anything