The CMS Beijing Tier 2: Status and Application Xiaomei Zhang CMS IHEP Group Meeting December 28, 2007
Outline Site overview – cpu resource, software, storage status PhEDEx Data transfer status Job Submission status Tutorial –How to use new storage element and access SE data –How to request data in the PhEDEx –How to run jobs in T2_Beijing questions
Site overview-cpu and sw CPU resource –LCG components 2 Xeon 5345 cpu 4 cores 16GB RAM instead of 2 Xeon 5130 cpu and 4 GB RAM –Worknodes 14 WNs (2 Xeon 3.2G cpu and 2 GB RAM) 12 new WNs added (2 Xeon 5345 cpu 4 cores 16GB RAM) –CMS VO server PhDEDx/VOBOX server Squid server (used for accessing calibration data from CERN frontier server, added in future) Software –LCG middleware recently upgraded to gLite 3.1 –work nodes OS system upgraded to SLC 4.5 –CMSSW1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, has been installed and tested, more versions will be installed and tested from CMS central software managers after Christmas A lcg-ManageVOTag bug in gLite 3.1 caused the delay Has written to Christoph Wissing for further installation
Site overview-Storage Storage –Disk-only dCache system –Greatly improve recently Past : –Headnodes and poolnodes in a single server: IBM x346 (2 Xeon 3.2G CPUs and 4 GB RAM) –one pool with 1.1 TB –it causes much trouble in PhEDEx data transferring and normal use of SE Now: –5 servers( 2 Xeon 5345 cpus 4 cores 16GB RAM) for the new SE: admin, pnfs, srm, gridftp(cmspn01), gridftp(atlaspn01) –5 pools with 10TB disk added for each experiment(10TB for CMS, 10TB for ATLAS) –Get a great performance in current PhEDEx transferring
PhEDEx Data transfer status Plan –Four links with FNAL and IN2P3 –Reach 10~20MB/s for each link, 1TB/day –Limits: Network bandwidth: ~80MB/s SE server performance: 200 streams input/output All the nodes shared with Altas experiment, challenged with Altas in furture when large volume transfers happen in Altas also need to test in the future Past vs. Current –Past: Only one link is available simultaneously Hardly reach 15MB/s, 4MB/s~8MB/s –Current Easy to maintain two links(upload and download) with FNAL Reach 32MB/s, 10MB/s~30MB/s, 1.7TB/day Four links will continue to test
Download link with FNAL Reach 32MB/s
Upload link with FNAL Reach 18MB/s
Transfer volume this week Reach more than 1.7TB per day
Past PhEDEx status Despite of bad situation, we still have transferred 30 (10) TB from FNAL (IN2P3) Also we have a very start this month for the upload link from FNAL and IN2P3
Job submission Status –Most of jobs submitted to other sites –Few jobs submitted to T2_Beijing Reasons –No data available in T2_Beijing –CMSSW versions not complete –CPU resources not very good –Support services not good Plan –More data interested will be transferred from FNAL or IN2P3 to local SE –Keep close contact with Christoph Wissing for CMSSW installation –Support Analysis, MC, reconstruction Need to discuss? Support MC from the central data operation group
How to use new storage element The name of, – no change for pnfs directory, pnfs/ Monitoring page: – pool1 pool2 pool4 pool5 pool3 srm/gridftp Gridftp(cmspn01) Gridftp(atlaspn01) pool1 pool2 pool4 pool5 pool3 Srmcp Gridftp /dcap Poolmanager (seadmin) Pnfs(sepnfs) Dcache system
SE Usage Browse edg-gridftp-ls gsi Transfer –LCG Data Management Tools (LFN is available)(get/put) lcg-cr(upload to SE), lcg-cp(download from SE) –Srmcp(get/put) srmcp file:////home/zhangxm/testfile srm:// s/test/testfilefile:////home/zhangxm/testfile –Gridftp(get/put) globus-url-copy file:////home/zhangxm/testfile gsi –Dccp(only get when pnfs not mounted in UI) Dccp dcap://// /home/zhangxm/testfile
SE usage Posix-like access –CMSSW access Pset configuration: PoolSource{ …fileNames =“/store/…/xx.root”} CMS_PATH=/opt/exp_soft/cms TFC(storage.xml) and site_local_catalog.xml –Crab job access Fill in Dataset name from DBS in crab.cfg Pset configuration PoolSource{ …fileNames =“file:*.root”} Access from SE by crab automatically –Local access (discuss with our system administrator) pnfs is mounted in UI looking /pnfs/ as local disk
How to subscribe data in PhEDEx Search dataset names in data->subscribe Create request in requests->create request –Fill in the dataset name –Select T2_Beijing as the destination –Submit View requests status in requests->view/manage requests – to data manager after submission –Data manager will check requests, approve/disapprove requests
How to run jobs in T2_Beijing The directory for CMSSW in lcg003: /opt/exp_soft/cms/ Compile and run with unique CMSSW version –Upgrade in time? Support three ways(as the way of accessing data from SE) –UI running, Posix-like read (dcap), output to UI –UI running, local-like read/write to SE(When PNFS mounted) –WN running, Posix-like read(dcap) or transfer(lcg-cr), output to SE (crab job automatically)
questions Data transfer? Job submission? Inform sth. through mail lists?