The Population Growth. Thomas Malthus Two Key components of Population management: Two Key components of Population management: Positive Population checks.


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Presentation transcript:

The Population Growth

Thomas Malthus Two Key components of Population management: Two Key components of Population management: Positive Population checks – keep the population levels down through wars, disease, and famine Positive Population checks – keep the population levels down through wars, disease, and famine Preventative Population checks- Keep the population levels down through family planning, later marriage, and celibacy Preventative Population checks- Keep the population levels down through family planning, later marriage, and celibacy

Paul Ehrlich In 1971, he was the first researcher to raise awareness of population growth and that this explosion would threaten the entire world. In 1971, he was the first researcher to raise awareness of population growth and that this explosion would threaten the entire world. He believed that the immense numbers of people in the world would exhaust non- renewable resources and destroy the capability of the planet to replenish the supply of renewable resources. He believed that the immense numbers of people in the world would exhaust non- renewable resources and destroy the capability of the planet to replenish the supply of renewable resources.

Like David Suzuki, he believed we need to “re- examine our lifestyles” and practice sustainable development. As well we need to strive for zero population growth. Like David Suzuki, he believed we need to “re- examine our lifestyles” and practice sustainable development. As well we need to strive for zero population growth.

William Catton Catton first developed the term ‘Carrying Capacity’- the number of people a given area or environment can support indefinitely. Catton first developed the term ‘Carrying Capacity’- the number of people a given area or environment can support indefinitely. He believed that, due to Europe’s colonization and exploitation of North and South America they began to see the land as ‘limitless’. This view and technological advancements created the opinion that we could increase our carrying capacity. He believed that, due to Europe’s colonization and exploitation of North and South America they began to see the land as ‘limitless’. This view and technological advancements created the opinion that we could increase our carrying capacity.

Catton believed that we may have increased the quality of life for a few, but we are living beyond our means. Catton believed that we may have increased the quality of life for a few, but we are living beyond our means.

Population Rates Increasing greatly Increasing greatly Every minute of the day, 900 people are born Every minute of the day, 900 people are born That makes about 1.3 million people a day That makes about 1.3 million people a day Today the World population is over 6.3 billion Today the World population is over 6.3 billion The World Population is expected to double by the year 2050 The World Population is expected to double by the year 2050

Death Rates Decreasing at a significant rate Decreasing at a significant rate Better medical treatment Better medical treatment Disease control (Malaria, Small pox) Disease control (Malaria, Small pox) Better communication and transportation (we are able to assist those in other countries more efficiently and effectively) Better communication and transportation (we are able to assist those in other countries more efficiently and effectively)

Results Over population Over population We have the same amount of Earth and a lot more people to sustain We have the same amount of Earth and a lot more people to sustain Famine – people dying of starvation Famine – people dying of starvation Stricter laws on child birth in some areas Stricter laws on child birth in some areas Poverty – poor living/working conditions Poverty – poor living/working conditions

How can we deal with this problem? Educate people on methods of Birth Control (Family planning strategies) Educate people on methods of Birth Control (Family planning strategies) Educate people on the effects of overpopulation Educate people on the effects of overpopulation Equality for women – in many countries women do not have the ability to gain access to birth control even if they want it. Often they must have permission from their husbands. Equality for women – in many countries women do not have the ability to gain access to birth control even if they want it. Often they must have permission from their husbands.

Problems associated with overpopulation activity Copy chart in your notebook (page 198) Copy chart in your notebook (page 198) Health and Social Problems Economic Problems Environmental Problems Political Problems

Current Issues Activity Analyze and write about the main consequences/issues surrounding overpopulation within these three articles Analyze and write about the main consequences/issues surrounding overpopulation within these three articles You must have at least four to five points per article (you may find for #2 and #3 you have more) and they must be written in complete sentences. You must have at least four to five points per article (you may find for #2 and #3 you have more) and they must be written in complete sentences.