Presented By Sushil K. Chaturvedi Assistant Professor SRCEM,Banmore 1
Day-1 Contents Introduction Web designing Why PHP Setup of PHP Environment Testing the page Troubleshooting the Installation Errors Basic Programming Concepts 9/3/20132
Introduction PHP :Hyper text preprocessor Originally called “Personal Home Page Tools” It is a server side scripting language usually written in an HTML context. Unlike an ordinary HTML page, a PHP script is not sent directly to a client by the server. HTML elements in the script are left alone, but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP code in a script can query databases, create images, read and write files, talk to remote servers. The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML in the script and the result sent to the user. 9/3/20133
History The first version of PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in PHP’s support for Apache and my SQL. Apache is now the most used web server in the world and PHP3 can be compiled as an Apache module. My SQL is a powerful free SQL database and PHP provided a comprehensive set of functions for working with it. The combination of Apache My SQL and PHP is all but unbeatable. 9/3/20134
What’s new in PHP4 A new foreach statement similar to that found in perl makes it much easier to loop through arrays. New array functions have been added making arrays easier to manipulate. Boolean datatype Multidimensional arrays Support for object oriented programming. PHP provides native support for user sessions, using both cookies and the query string. 9/3/20135
Continue…. A new comparison operator(===) has been introduced that tests for equivalence of type as well as equivalence of value. PHP4 provides built in supporet for both java and XML Zend is a scripting engine that sits below the PHP specific modules. It is optimized to significantly improve performance. Version is current version, rewritten by Zend ( to include a number of features, such as an object model 9/3/20136
Web designing Static web pages (HTML,CSS,DHTML etc.) Dynamic web pages (Servlet, JSP,ASP,PHP etc.) Scripting languages (Client Side, Server Side) Client Side (Javascript, vbscript etc.) Server side (PHP, Servlet, JSP,ASP etc.) 9/3/20137
Why PHP Production process is significantly faster. PHP can be run on all the major operating systems with most servers. Speed of development:- PHP allow you to separate HTML code from scripting elements so decrease in development time on many projects. You will be able to separate the coding stage of a project from the design and build stages. PHP is open source Performance:- Due to powerful Zend engine PHP4 compares well with ASP in benchmark tests, beating it in some tests. 9/3/20138
Continue… Portability:-PHP is designed to run on many os and to cooperate with many servers and databases. You can build for a unix environment and shift your work to windows system without a problem. 9/3/20139
Setup of PHP Environment (Platforms,Servers,Databases,PHP) PHP is truly cross platform. It runs on the windows operating system, most versions of unix including Linux and even the Macintosh. Servers:- support is provided for a range of web servers including Apache (itself open source and cross platform) 9/3/201310
Continue…. MIIS(Microsoft internet information server), website pro, iplanet web server and PWS(Microsoft personal web server) Databases:- PHP is designed to integrate easily with databases. Many database are directly supported including Adabas D, MSQL(Mini SQL),sybase,MYSQL,oracle, unix dbm,Informix (IBM RDBMS), postgresql, PHP also support ODBC(open database connectivity). WAMP server( windows, apache, MYSQL,PHP). 9/3/201311
Testing the page Type localhost at address bar on web browsers (IE, Mozilla etc.) You will get the wamp server home page. 9/3/201312
Steps to proceed further Learn Basic HTML programming Learn javaScript (client side scripting language) Learn basic PHP programming Learn database connectivity. Develop a application software using combination of HTML, JavaScript and PHP Programming. 9/3/201313