Over Population Debra Dent
Population Prediction ▓ In 1996 there was a 15 person per thousand net increase in global population. It was reported that most of the increase was in less developed countries. >THE DOUBLING TIME IS THE TIME REQUIRED FOR A POPULATION TO DOUBLE ITS SIZE< Meaning based on 1966 population increase it would take 45 years (from that year) to double the earth’s population. If the population rate continues unchecked, in the year 2041 the world have twice the number of people on earth as in ▓ Overpopulation is the increase of population density of a place so much that the amount of food, water and land is insufficient in providing resources. ▓ The term overpopulation is usually refers to the relationship between humans and their environment.
Causes of Overpopulation… ▓ Increased birth rate ▓ Increase in the average life span ▓ Reduced infant mortality ▓ Decreased death rate ▓ Cultural influences ▓ Immigration/Emigration ▓ Improvement in Healthcare ▓ Medical advancements ▓ Anti Abortion/ Pro Life ▓ Lack of education
Over Population Problems Effects ▓ Food Shortages ▓ Water Shortages ▓ Air Quality ▓ Oil Shortages ▓ The Ozone ▓ Forests ▓ Fish and The Ocean ▓ Topsoil ▓ Species extinction ▓ War ▓ Over Crowding ▓ Health ▓ Water Use ▓ Wood Fires ▓ Habitat destruction
Solutions For Overpopulation There are several different solutions for overpopulation: Improve Resource Efficeny Family Planning Tax cuts Sex Education Better Contraseptives …….. And more However the biggest problem with finding or enacting a solution for Overpopulation is that when saying “ there are too many people” to people the response is normally a nonchalant response. Overpopulation is often over looked although it is one of the world’s top problems.
Facts About Overpopulation 1/3 of the population growth in the world is the result of incidental or unwanted pregnancies. For An Additional $1.63 Per U.S. Taxpayer Per Year, 11.7 Million More Couples Would Have Access to Modern Contraception. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that hunger is a daily concern for 13.8% of Americans. Every 20 minutes, the human population grows by about 3,000. At the same time another plant or animal becomes extinct (27,000 each year). According to the U.N., if fertility were to stay constant at levels, the world population would soar to 244 billion by 2150 and 134 trillion by 2300.