Teaching Information Literacy at Karelia UAS Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Kirsi Mononen
IL Recommendation -Information Literacy in Academic Studies: Recommendations for Finnish Universities rks/ilnetwork/Files/liitetiedosto2/ILsuositus_EN.pdf rks/ilnetwork/Files/liitetiedosto2/ILsuositus_EN.pdf 3
To Whom? -For new students -Students writing their thesis -Staff of Karelia UAS -Adult education 4
New Students -Library tours -Basic information of the library and our services 5
New Students -Orientation to Studies as a Student in Higher Education, 1 cr -At 1 st semester -Classroom learning (3 h) + online teaching (Moodle, Adobe Connect) -Compulsory course for every student in every degree programme 6
Agenda -Concepts, principles and strategies of information search -Analysis of search terminology (keywords) -Critical evaluation of information and it’s sources -Library collections (printed and e-library) -Students learn to know and use the most important databases of their own field of study 7
Agenda -Exercises: students are asked to use some relevant database and find information related to their studies -Students are asked to evaluate how they managed and did they find relevant information 8
Thesis -Update students IL skills -How to find and use valid and scientific information for thesis -Integrated into the research courses in some degree programmes -Classroom learning (3-6 h) + guides and materials on Moodle 9
Thesis Sauna - Personal Guidance -Students writing their thesis -Staff of Karelia UAS -Face to face guidance and support in database search problems -The subject is needed in advance -The guidance will take approximately one hour 10
Challenges -How to motivate students to use library and take part into IL studies -How to motivate staff of Karelia UAS -There is also other ways to find information than Google! -Critical evaluation of information 11
Challenges -Information overload -Changing and updating databases, search interfaces etc. -Knowledge of degree programmes, fields of study etc. -Information specialist = A Renaissance Man 12
Comments, Questions More information 13