School strategy for prevention of students’ dropout
The strategy is part of the activities under the project "Our TREASURES". It has been worked out with the active participation of students The strategy is part of the activities under the project "Our TREASURES". It has been worked out with the active participation of students involved in project activities in connection with the topic "Education against exclusion - civic education, training of citizenship, role of arts and sport as tools for achieving the goals."
It is based on the basic principles of inclusive education: All children have the right to education and must have equal access to it All children have the right to education and must have equal access to it All children can learn and benefit from the advantages that education provides All children can learn and benefit from the advantages that education provides
Differences between children are a source of diversity and richness rather than problems Differences between children are a source of diversity and richness rather than problems The views and opinions of children must be taken into account in their participation in school activities.Children should be encouraged to active participation in the educational process The views and opinions of children must be taken into account in their participation in school activities.Children should be encouraged to active participation in the educational process All aspects of education, programs and teaching methods and forms of communication must be adapted to creating opportunities for inclusion All aspects of education, programs and teaching methods and forms of communication must be adapted to creating opportunities for inclusion
In the educational process discrimination based on race, nationality, sex, ethnicity, social background, religion, social status, disability etc. is not allowed In the educational process discrimination based on race, nationality, sex, ethnicity, social background, religion, social status, disability etc. is not allowed The inclusive education implies changes in the educational system to enable it to adapt to the needs of children to a much greater extent than children to adapt to the system itself The inclusive education implies changes in the educational system to enable it to adapt to the needs of children to a much greater extent than children to adapt to the system itself
In the developing of the strategy the main points in Conclusions of the Council of Europe about the role of culture in the fight against poverty and social exclusion were taken into account as well as the Council conclusions from the 18th of November In the developing of the strategy the main points in Conclusions of the Council of Europe about the role of culture in the fight against poverty and social exclusion were taken into account as well as the Council conclusions from the 18th of November 2010.
It is assumed that the access, participation and training in the field of culture and sport can play an important role in the fight aganst poverty and social exclusion in order to stimulate greater It is assumed that the access, participation and training in the field of culture and sport can play an important role in the fight aganst poverty and social exclusion in order to stimulate greater social inclusion and personal development. social inclusion and personal development.
Need of the school strategy Need to introduce a system in the activities of dropout prevention Need to introduce a system in the activities of dropout prevention Need of readiness to tackle the new challenges, associated with elimination of prerequisites for students’dropout (social and economic factors, migration, frequent change ofresidence etc.) Need of readiness to tackle the new challenges, associated with elimination of prerequisites for students’dropout (social and economic factors, migration, frequent change ofresidence etc.)
School vision for preventing dropout The strategy is based on the vision of the First Secondary School as a school providing effective, quality and accessible support for students at risk of dropping out that provides a complete personal fulfillment in school life. The strategy is based on the vision of the First Secondary School as a school providing effective, quality and accessible support for students at risk of dropping out that provides a complete personal fulfillment in school life.
SWOT аnalysis SWOT аnalysis
Strong points: Qualified teachers Qualified teachers Interactive teaching methods, use of ICT Interactive teaching methods, use of ICT Extracurricular activities Extracurricular activities Opportunities for participation Opportunities for participation Creating friendly environment Creating friendly environment
Very good facilities Very good facilities Work on projects Work on projects Free snacks I-IV grade Free snacks I-IV grade Cheaper lunches Cheaper lunches Free books I-VII grade Free books I-VII grade Performing activities for dropout prevention Performing activities for dropout prevention Lack of school dropouts in the last 5 years Lack of school dropouts in the last 5 years
Weak points: Lack of register for students at risk of dropping out Lack of register for students at risk of dropping out Insufficient effective school-parent connection Insufficient effective school-parent connection Insufficient role of student self- government to create supportive environment for students at risk of dropping out Insufficient role of student self- government to create supportive environment for students at risk of dropping out
The existing separation of students in some classes in social background The existing separation of students in some classes in social background Lack of system in the activities of dropout prevention Lack of system in the activities of dropout prevention Insufficiently motivated teachers to tackle the problem Insufficiently motivated teachers to tackle the problem A large number of excused and unexcused absences of students which each year grow and becomes a prerequisite for dropping out A large number of excused and unexcused absences of students which each year grow and becomes a prerequisite for dropping out
Opportunities: Participating in projects aimed at funding activities for preventing dropout Participating in projects aimed at funding activities for preventing dropout New ways of engaging parents in dropout preventing New ways of engaging parents in dropout preventing Active student government Active student government
More sports groups at school More sports groups at school Extension of extra-curricular art activities Extension of extra-curricular art activities Expanding links with external institutions Expanding links with external institutions
Threats Parents’ insufficient attention and interest Parents’ insufficient attention and interest Lack of effective sanctions for parents Lack of effective sanctions for parents Low standard of living of a part of the population Low standard of living of a part of the population Family problems leading to students’ dropping out Family problems leading to students’ dropping out
Lack of financial resources to support children at risk of Lack of financial resources to support children at risk of dropping out Negative impact of the environment, “the street" impact Negative impact of the environment, “the street" impact Lack of supportive environment around the school Lack of supportive environment around the school Migration, frequent change of residence Migration, frequent change of residence
Target group Students from I to X grade, who are at risk of dropping out for various reasons and for whom there is a risk of social exclusion and no forms of social support Students from I to X grade, who are at risk of dropping out for various reasons and for whom there is a risk of social exclusion and no forms of social support
The main question that needs to be answered is this strategy is: How to make the prevention of dropping out successful and effective? How to make the prevention of dropping out successful and effective?
GOALS of the strategy: Main goal: Main goal: Creating a supportive environment to keep students at school Sub-goal: Sub-goal: Motivating students to attend school and participate in the school life
Achievement indicators: Achievement indicators: Decreasing the number of excused and unexcused absences as well as the number of dropout students Decreasing the number of excused and unexcused absences as well as the number of dropout students Creating positive attitudes towards learning Creating positive attitudes towards learning Students at risk’success at school Students at risk’success at school
Tasks and activities for completion the goals Annual updating of a register for children at risk of dropping out Annual updating of a register for children at risk of dropping out Keeping the register by the pedagogical advisor who updates information with the help of the class teachers Keeping the register by the pedagogical advisor who updates information with the help of the class teachers Creating supportive environment by activities of the school students' parliament Creating supportive environment by activities of the school students' parliament
Working out of pedagogical adviser’s activities for dropout prevention; work with children at risk Working out of pedagogical adviser’s activities for dropout prevention; work with children at risk Surveys of students’desire for participation in extracurricular activities Surveys of students’desire for participation in extracurricular activities Creating new groups for extracurricular activities according to the students’ desire Creating new groups for extracurricular activities according to the students’ desire
New approaches in work with parents - alternative parents’ meetings, active involvement in joint activities, parents- school partnership, work of the school board with parents of children at risk of dropping out New approaches in work with parents - alternative parents’ meetings, active involvement in joint activities, parents- school partnership, work of the school board with parents of children at risk of dropping out Enhancing social skills of the students' parliament and the schoolboard to support students at risk by organizing trainings Enhancing social skills of the students' parliament and the schoolboard to support students at risk by organizing trainings
Establish effective dialogue school- external institutions related to the problem Establish effective dialogue school- external institutions related to the problem Organizing charity support for endangered and disadvantaged students Organizing charity support for endangered and disadvantaged students Creating an annual school calendar for extracurricular activities Creating an annual school calendar for extracurricular activities Motivating teaching staff for further work to prevent students’ dropout Motivating teaching staff for further work to prevent students’ dropout