3 rd Grade Grammar Review
1. A duck is a water _____ foul 2.fowl 3.foe
2. Bambi’s mother was a _____ dear 2.deer 3.fawn
3. Last ___ we went to the movies nigh 2.night 3.knight
4. Susan combed her ___with a brush hare 2.hair 3.hat
5. I don’t like it, it’s ___ my style knot 2.not 3.no
6. My mother told me to wait ___ for her her 2.hear 3.here
7. The man refused to ___ in line with the others weight 2.wait 3.way
8. The small boy was ___ to his father’s estate heir 2.air 3.hair
9. He ___ me do it. I didn’t want to maid 2.made 3.mad
10. I rode a huge white ___ at my uncle’s farm horse 2.hoarse 3.house
11. Carry the ___ down to the stream pail 2.pale 3.pile
12. Father fixed the broken window ___ pain 2.pane 3.pan
13. She was so stubborn that she has to do everything her own ___ way 2.weigh 3.weight
There were __ birds outside on the porch. 1.eight 2.ate 3.eaten
15. Mary said I could have bought the ribbon ____ at the fabric store cheap 2.cheaper 3.chap
16. This letter doesn’t make ___ cents 2.sense 3.sent
18. Doug said I love soccer.” Doug said, “I 2.Doug said, I 3.Doug said “I
17. Is you dog ___ or female? mail 2.maul 3.male
19. We went to the park on memorial day memorial day 2.Memorial day 3.Memorial Day.
20. I be go to the store now I be go 2.I be going 3.I am going
21. I eat sum macaroni and cheese? I eat sum 2.I eat some 3.I ate some
22. The door were lock when we tried to open it was locked 2.were locked 3.was lock
23. The gifts was hid very well was hidden very 2.was hided very 3.were hidden very
24. Elmer he had a grate idea! Elmer he had a grate 2.Elmer had a great 3.Elmer had a grate
25.It was to late to go to Burger Buddy It was two late to 2.It was to late to 3.It was too late to
26. Will is going over ____ their 2.them 3.there
27.Their a space exhibit at the fair Their is a 2.Their a 3.There’s a
28. Will you ___ the banana? pill 2.peal 3.pull
29. The man is as gentle as a mouse 2.a bird 3.a lamb
30. The test was as easy as cake 2.pie 3.cookie