sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) Lesson Objectives Emphasise the general symptoms of STI’s Debunk common myths you may have previously believed!
Watch the following clip: What may be threatening the health and wellbeing of this couple? What advice might you give to them?
Pubic lice CONDOMS WILL NOT STOP TRANSMISSION Can be contracted by Close body contact Treatment Cream Symptoms Itching Black powder in underwear Blue spots around pubic area Tiny bloodspots on underwear or skin
Genital warts Can be contracted by Direct sexual contact Sharing sex toys Contact with affected areas Treatment Cream Destroying the wart Symptoms Small gritty lumps Itching/irritation Large warts
Genital Herpes Can be contracted by Direct sexual contact Sharing sex toys Contact with affected areas Treatment Antiviral tablets x5 daily Herpes cannot be entirely cleared from your system and you will always carry the virus. Symptoms Painful blisters Pain when peeing Vaginal discharge Flu like feeling Fevers
Chlamydia Can be contracted by Direct sexual contact Sharing sex toys Contact with affected areas Treatment A course of antibiotic tablets Chlamydia if left untreated can leave women infertile! Symptoms Often in women there are no symptoms! Pain when peeing Vaginal/penal discharge Lower abdomen pain Bleeding between periods Bleeding during/after sex Pain during sex
Gonorrhoea Can be contracted by Direct sexual contact Sharing sex toys Contact with affected areas Treatment A course of antibiotic tablets Gonorrhoea if not treated quickly can develop into more serious health issues! Symptoms There are often NO SYMPTOMS in both genders! Pain when peeing Vaginal/penal discharge Foreskin inflammation Tender testicals Lower abdomen pain Bleeding between periods
Syphilis Can be contracted by Direct sexual contact Contact with affected areas Treatment Penicillin injection If left untreated statistics show that you are 5x more likely to contract HIV. Symptoms Stage 1: Small painless sore Stage 2: Sore disappears, non itchy rash appears with headaches, tiredness and swollen lymph glands. Stage 3:Infection spreads throughout body effecting brain, skin, bones, blood and can cause strokes, paralysis, deafness and heart disease.
HIV Can be contracted by Direct sexual contact Contact with affected areas Can be passed from mother to baby from womb or via breast milk Treatment PEP drugs within 72hs after contact If not treated with PEP quickly it can develop into the full HIV virus which cannot be cured only managed. Symptoms Fever, Rash, Sore throat These symptoms in an otherwise healthy person all at once can indicate a recent HIV infection.
Quiz We will now test out how much you remember about STI’s with a quick quiz. Don’t worry too much if you have forgotten the answer we will go through them again.
Question 1 A rash is a common symptom of this STI: Chlamydia Syphilis Herpes Pubic lice
Question 2 This STI has 2 varieties – one affecting the mouth and the other affecting the genitals: HIV Syphilis Gonorrhoea Herpes
Question 3 This STI is also referred to as crabs: Genital warts Pubic Lice Chlamydia Syphilis
Question 4 Which STI can cause infertility in women if left untreated? Gonorrhoea Herpes Chlamydia Punic lice
Question 5 Which STI is the most common in young men and women? CHLAMYDIA
Question 6 Which STI can have no symptoms? Gonorrhoea
Question 7 Give 2 examples of where you can be tested for STI’s. Doctors/Family Planning Clinic/GUM Clinic
Question 8 List 2 ways to prevent yourself from getting an STI. Abstinence/Use a condom
Question 9 Which STI commonly causes a rash? Syphilis
Living with HIV