CORDIC Based 64-Point Radix-2 FFT Processor 2013.6. 12 Inho Cho , Sung-Chul Lim Information and Communication Engineering, INHA University Let My 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Theme And Core Content Theme Core Content 64-Points Radix-2 CORDIC Based FFT Processor Core Content try to apply CORDIC algorithm to FFT processor for improvement Power consumption, Speed Problem Speed, Power consumption Multiplexer Out proj In existing This CORDIC As CORDIC < FFT Basic Unit > 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Research Related Paper Schedule of Project March April May June 1 2 3 4 5 Choose Theme & Submit Proposal Research Related Paper & C-Coding Verilog-Coding FPGA Implementation Final Presentation & Make Paper Contents Coding 32-bits CORDIC 64-Points 32-bits FFT 64-Points 32-bits FFT based CORDIC C – Language / SW Verilog - RTL / HW We did From then 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Jop Distribution & Used Tool Name Distribution 조인호 C - 64-point FFT Research Theory Make Presentation Make paper Verilog - CORDIC, FFT based CORDIC, FPGA Timing Analysis, Delay, Control module Coregen, FPGA Implementation 임성철 C – 16-point FFT Timing Analysis, Butterfly module FPGA Result Verification Visual Studio 2008 professional (Software design & implementation) Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.3 System Pack (Hardware design & implementation) FPGA Board : Virtex4 - XCVLX60 - FF668 (Hardware implementation) We did From then 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
CORDIC Algorithm FFT Algorithm CORDIC Based FFT 1. 2. 3. Applied Technology 1. CORDIC Algorithm 2. FFT Algorithm 3. CORDIC Based FFT CORDIC 5 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Applied Technology - CORDIC Algorithm In the vector rotation, it is expressed as follows. Xj+1 = Xj cosθ - Yj sjnθ (θ=tan-1(2-(j-2)) Yj+1 = Xj sjnθ + Yj cosθ Xj+1 = cosθ(Xj - Yj tanθ) Yj+1 = cosθ(Xj + Yj tanθ) Xj+1 = (Xj - Yj σj2-(j-2)) Yj+1 = (Xj + Yj σj2-(j-2)) Zj+1 = Zj - σjtan-1(2-(j-2)) J 1 2 3 … θ 45 26.5 13 CORDIC σj = 1 (Zj > 0) σj = 1 (Zj < 0) 6 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Applied Technology - CORDIC Algorithm CORDIC Algorithm Example / Find sin(65˚), cos(65˚) Setting Step1 Step2 Step3 CORDIC Z16 = 0 (convergenced to zero) X16 = COS(65 ˚) Y16 = SIN(65 ˚) Continue up to Step16 7 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Applied Technology - CORDIC Algorithm CORDIC Algorithm Diagram 16 operation is configured as pipeline R 65 ˚ (65) 16 rotations CORDIC 8 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Applied Technology – FFT Algorithm DFT Algorithm FFT Algorithm (DECIMATION-IN-FREQUENCY) - FFT is same as DFT using less computation times - (Principle) DFT can be spilted as half - applying the principle recursively, results in a computation that consists of butterflies only. , This is De Bottom Take <Butterfly Unit> Take notice of this multiplier 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Applied Technology – FFT Algorithm <Butterfly Unit> Applied Technology – FFT Algorithm Radix-2 16-Point FFT Algorithm (DECIMATION-IN-FREQUENCY) This is De Bottom Take We make Radix-2 64-Point FFT. 64-Point FFT is same this priciple. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Applied Technology – CORDIC Based FFT CORDIC & FFT Similarity Multiplier in FFT operation is same as CORDIC operation <Butterfly Unit> - Same operation. - As a result FFT can be modified to be more simple. This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Applied Technology – CORDIC Based FFT <Butterfly Unit> Applied Technology – CORDIC Based FFT CORDIC Based FFT Algorithm (CORDIC + FFT) v v c c This So This is Multiplier CORDIC We make 64-Point FFT. 64-Point FFT is same this priciple. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Design flow 16/64 Point FFT C-Coding CORDIC Verilog Coding Using Visual studio 2008 professional 2 CORDIC Verilog Coding Using Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.3 3 Radix-2 16-point CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding 4 Radix-2 64-point CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding 5 Radix-2 64-point Multiplier Based FFT Verilog Coding Radix-2 64-point CORDIC Based FFT FPGA Implementation Using Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.3, Vertex 4 This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method- 16/64-Points FFT C-Coding C-Language (SW) – 16/64-Points FFT C-Coding For verification of Verilog result This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - CORDIC Verilog Coding Diagram CORDIC BLOCK Diagram This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - CORDIC Verilog Coding CORDIC – Coding & Synthesis This is de Sixteen 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - CORDIC Verilog Coding CORDIC Verification 16 clk This So This is - Sin(30) = 0.499237 ≈ 1/2 - Cos (30) = 0.866364 ≈ √3/2 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method – 16-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Diagram This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method – 16-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Timing analysis 16 Delay CORDIC 16 Delay CORDIC 16 Delay We analy CORIC So And Total Conse Following CORDIC CORDIC 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method – 16-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Block Sketch & Condition Analysis Top Block 우선 전체적인 모듈을 손으로 그려보았습니다. 각 와이어의 이름을 정해주고 인풋과 아웃풋의 연결을 정하였습니다. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Project Process – 16-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Block Sketch & Condition Analysis Sub Block & Condition 세부 모듈을 손으로 그려 본 결과입니다. 여기서는 모듈 내에서의 인풋,아웃풋 값을 컨트롤 시그널인 카운트 값으로 부터 선택되어지게 만들었습니다. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method – 16Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method – 16-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Synthesis 합성한 결과인 세부 블록도 이고 각 기능은 다음과 같습니다. FFT_STAGE 1 FFT_STAGE 2 FFT_STAGE 3 FFT_STAGE 4 COUNT DELAY TEMPORARY R O M 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method – 16-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Verification <Verliog simulation> 기존 FFT의 기본 연산단위인 Butterfly Unit에서 Multiplier가 있습니다. (클릭) 코딕 Module은 이 Multiplier를 대체 하게 됩니다. CORDIC 알고리즘은 H/W구조가 매우 간단합니다. 그리고 곱셈기 연산에 비해 연산속도가 빠릅니다. 따라서 Size Speed Power의 개선이 이뤄집니다. <C-coding verification> 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - 64-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Diagram This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - 64-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Timing analysis We Eight Based this result 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - 64-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Block Sketch & Condition Analysis CORDIC based FFT BLOCK Diagram This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - 64-Points CORDIC Based FFT Verilog Coding Verification This So This is 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method - 64-Points Multiplier Based FFT Verilog Coding Timing analysis For Comparison to our design of CORDIC Based FFT We Eight Based this result 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method- 64-Points CORDIC Based FFT FPGA Implementation Hardware Implementation (FPGA) FPGA Board : Virtex4 – XCVLX60 – FFG668 기존 FFT의 기본 연산단위인 Butterfly Unit에서 Multiplier가 있습니다. (클릭) 코딕 Module은 이 Multiplier를 대체 하게 됩니다. CORDIC 알고리즘은 H/W구조가 매우 간단합니다. 그리고 곱셈기 연산에 비해 연산속도가 빠릅니다. 따라서 Size Speed Power의 개선이 이뤄집니다. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Progress Method- 64-Points CORDIC Based FFT FPGA Implementation Hardware Implementation (FPGA) FPGA Board : Virtex4 – XCVLX60 – FFG668 기존 FFT의 기본 연산단위인 Butterfly Unit에서 Multiplier가 있습니다. (클릭) 코딕 Module은 이 Multiplier를 대체 하게 됩니다. CORDIC 알고리즘은 H/W구조가 매우 간단합니다. 그리고 곱셈기 연산에 비해 연산속도가 빠릅니다. 따라서 Size Speed Power의 개선이 이뤄집니다. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Core Contents That Contributed 1. Replace complex Multiplier to CORDIC - > Reduce Operation Time 멀티플라이어를 코딕으로 대체함으로써 FFT의 크리티컬 패쓰를 줄일 수 있었습니다. 그 결과로 전체 연산 시간이 줄어 들 것입니다. CORDIC Multiplexer 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Core Contents That Contributed 2. Pipelined Architecture - > Reduce Clock Period 3. Single Path Delay Feedback - > Reduce Rom Size 파이프 라인 설계를 통해 클럭 주기를 줄일 수 있습니다. 이로 인해 전체 시간당 연산 량이 증가 될 것입니다. 또한 싱글패스딜레이피드백 방식을 통해 사용되는 롬의 크기를 줄일 수 있었습니다. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Hardware Implementation (FPGA) Final Results Hardware Implementation (FPGA) (Radix-2 64-Points CORDIC based FFT vs Radix-2 64-Points FFT) FPGA Board : Virtex4 – XCVLX60 – FFG668 Radix-2 64-Points CORDIC based FFT (32bits) Item Specification Slices Number of Slices 18,353 Number of 4 Input LUTs 35,944 Timing Summary Clock Period 7.995 ns Clock Speed 125.075 MHz Total # of paths 6,956,709 Destination Ports 33,824 Radix-2 64-Points FFT (32bits) Item Specification Slices Number of Slices 8,312 Number of 4 Input LUTs 14,839 Timing Summary Clock Period 33.002 ns Clock Speed 30.302MHz Total # of paths 564,46,741,023,767,814,000 Destination Ports 2,807 사이즈 약 2.2배 스피드 약 4.17배. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Conclusion & Next Research Subject Operation Speed is faster than original FFT processor. Because CORDIC operation quantity is lower than multiplier. But our design isn’t perfectly efficient because our unripe design technic. So size is larger than original one. It is improved by some efficient design technic. So CORDIC based FFT that we make is useful at chip that high speed is required. Research about how can we optimization of CORDIC based FFT. < Next Research Subject > 멀티플라이어를 코딕으로 대체함으로써 FFT의 크리티컬 패쓰를 줄일 수 있었습니다. 그 결과로 전체 연산 시간이 줄어 들 것입니다. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University
Reference [1] Dale Drinkard, “A highly configurable 1st quadrant CORDIC core in verilog” September 13, 2008 pp 1-6. [2] Choudhary, Pooja, Karmakar, Abhijit "CORDIC based implementation of Fast Fourier Transform" 2011 pp2902-2905. [3] Volder Jack E "The CORDIC Trigonometric Computing Technique" 1959 pp330-334 [4] Ray Andraka "A survey of CORDIC algorithms for FPGA based computer", Proceeding of the1998 ACM/SIGDA sixth international symposium on Field programmalbe gate arrays, 1998, pp191-200. [5] Alvin M. Despin "Fourier Transform Computer Using CORDIC Iterations.", IEEE Transcactions on Computers, 1974, pp 993-1001. 참고문헌은 위와 같습니다. 감사합니다. 2013-1 Project ICE , Inha University