Summer Olympic Games 2000
Mascots (талисманы) The twenty-seventh Olympic Games were held in Sydney from 15 September to 1 October The official mascots (талисманы) of the Games were: Kookaburra Olli; the platypus Syd; Echidna Millie.
The opening ceremony The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games XXVII was held September 15, 2000 at Australia Stadium in the presence of 110,000 spectators.
Оpening ceremony Traditional parade of nations consisted of 198 delegations. Under the sound of the Olympic hymn the Olympic flag was raised. The final chord of the ceremony was the lighting of the Olympic flame.
Champions Ian ThorpeCathy Freeman
Alexey Nemov Inge de Bruen
The closing ceremony The closing ceremony was held October 1. Famous artists took part in the musical part of the ceremony. The Games were closed after the Olympic flame was extinguished (потушен). The ceremony ended with a grand firework display.